Mark profile picture


Jimmy Carter is AWESOME!

About Me

I am a work in progress.I dunno quite what to say here. But I feel like telling the world I'm about to get my shit in gear, after like I don't even know how many years of sitting on my hands, metaphorically speaking. A series of events has conspired to kick my ass into shape, to where I've decided its time to stop fucking around and put myself where I need to be. The resources have arrived. I've even got freedom. Now its all a big playground, and the limits are only my imagination. There are some people I owe some thanks to for motivating me to get up out of my hole in the ground and start doing it. They did say I'd thank em, even though I found that really irritating at the time. You know who you are. So, yeah, Thankyou. Ha!

My Interests

Fashion, astronomy, surfing, diving, traveling, snowboarding, DJing, Music Production

I'd like to meet:

Kittens, oh and Steven Colbert. No bears please!I don't really meet people off myspace. Who does? But its a cool way to deepen friendships with people you know in real life, or their friends too I suppose.


Oldschool hardcore techno, Hardcore breaks, Breakbeat, Air, Songs Ohia, Black Dice, Ratatat, Magnolia Electric Company, Independent Artists with challenging music, Turntablism, Anything politically radical, Classical guitar, oh yeah GET XM Radio because the Move is a really great channel especially on Sunday night, and its great for driving to Mammoth. Actually the breakbeat/mashup channel on Sirius is good too. The DJing of LA's own Mark Panik! Bad Religion, Tiger Army, Flogging Molly, NOFX, Minor Threat, Fugazi, D.I., the Dickies, Youth Brigade, Pennywise, AFI, 7 seconds, gorilla biscuits, DRI, the meatmen, RKL, the briggs, antiflag, Lords of Acid, Leonard Cohen, Bjork, Stephen Marley, Gogol Bordello, Benny Benassi, Peaches (oh my god did I only pull 5 bands off the coachella flyer that I like?) no wait KID BEYOND(and why is he at the bottom?)


What the fuck do we know(my friend is in that,) The corporation, The Secret, Tron, King Kong, Serenity, Logan's Run, Solaris(both versions), the Last Starfighter, Vanilla Sky, Brainstorm, Real Genius, The western front, Waking life, An Inconvenient Truth, A Scanner Darkly(best drug movie ever)...


Heros, Farscape, The Incredible Hulk(original series,) Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, The Colbert Report, Daily Show, 24, Doctor Who, anything involving some good hard science like on the discovery science channel, especially if it involves exploration of other planets, moons, etc.


The Tao of Physics, Dr. John Lilly's The center of the cyclone, Armed Madhouse, A peace to end all peace, Godel, Escher, Bach, The geometry of physics, The road to reality-a complete guide to the laws of the universe, The Principles of Correct Practice for Guitar, Aaron Shearers Classical Guitar Technique vol 1.


Noam Chomsky, Amy Goodman, Greg Palast, Steven Colbert, Steven Colbert, Steven Colbert. I think he'd like that I included him 3 times. Al Gore. Anyone who ever blew a whistle, or took it in the neck to help people. The guy who came up with the flying spaghetti monster. Good music teachers. Joe Wilson. Michael Moore. Eckhart Tolle. Chris from Kniteforce.My shitlist includes George Bush I and II, Karl Rove, Jim Baker, 95% of American news organizations, the Chinese Government, Neo-conservtives and any corporation that puts Mercury in the ocean, as I got severe Mercury Poisoning and nearly lost my kidneys JUST FROM EATING SUSHI! I'm serious!

My Blog

Boom I miss you.

Boom is my ex girlfriend's cat.  He's been missing for nearly 10 days, from a canyon in Colorado.  I very much wish he'd come back...  He's not even my cat, but I've really bonded with ...
Posted by Mark on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:20:00 PST

Nah, Screw you Rupert Murdoch

Just felt like saying that.
Posted by Mark on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 02:15:00 PST

Bee update! China!!!???

I just heard that corporate bees are dissappearing, while organic bees don't.  I also heard that corporate bees are getting pollen supplements from China.  You know, China?  those guys ...
Posted by Mark on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 08:15:00 PST

Rupert Murdoch, all is forgiven

Anyone that knows me, knows that more than any other corporation, I really hate fox.  I think they are dispicable.  Until today, when I saw this:
Posted by Mark on Thu, 07 Jun 2007 12:31:00 PST

Goin to Australia!

So, with the firm having finally made it past its break even point, life is in a whole new place for me.  No more constant worrying about paying off the next debt.  I'm free now, and I'm gon...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 05 Jun 2007 10:38:00 PST

Myspace is starting to look lame.

So myspace is pushing memorial day videos onto us - titled "Do you remember?" and the cool new people always include a politician??? What utter bullshit that is! Politicians are NOT cool new people.&n...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 29 May 2007 06:46:00 PST

enrolled with Berklee School of Music

Starting next week.  Gonna get some proper theory and arrangement skills to match my engineering.
Posted by Mark on Fri, 06 Apr 2007 02:23:00 PST is UP! is the website for my company.  We're finally able to put it up online. This is a big move forwards for me, because it means the legal protection my firm needs is a...
Posted by Mark on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 04:10:00 PST

Pharma Deal goes full bandwidth!

After only two weeks of demonstrating our capabilities, our Pharma client has decided they wish to go to the full bandwidth utilization of our services! So I am SORTED!!!  This is great.  It...
Posted by Mark on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:32:00 PST


Bigelow industries is firm that is working on private space stations.  Thats right, space stations.  10 of them or more.  Privately owned, privately launched and intended to be in orbit...
Posted by Mark on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 10:36:00 PST