Zee Beez kneez (if u pleeze!!) profile picture

Zee Beez kneez (if u pleeze!!)

Red or dead?

About Me

The Incredibly Long Survey About You (T.I.L.S.A.Y.) by blue_lightning_angel
Name: Laura
Age: 22
Sex: female
Date of Birth: 19/05/84
Hair Color: blue/black
Eye Color: Grey
Race: caucasian
Favorite. . .
Color(s): red
Food: italian
Drink: juice
Television Show: hmm?
Movie: loads, videos on my page
Song: Have lots!!
Artist: Lots!!
Place to be: with my amigas!!
Stuffed animal: you WHAT?
Pet: my seestor
Person: as above
Game: buzz monkey game
Clothing brand/style: fancy dress
What do you want in the opposite sex?
Hair color: dark/light woreva!!
Eye color: dark/llight woreva!!
Tatoos: if u like...
Peircings: are nice
Body Type: how u are
Do they have to be rich?: nope
Do they have to be popular?: hell no!!!
Personality or Looks?: bit of both tbh
This or that?
Pepsi or Coke: neither
Vanilla or Chocolate: both
Black or White: black
Cats or Dogs: cats
Sink or Swim: swim
Lake or Ocean: lake
Night or Day: night
Half Full or Half Empty: depends
Desktops or Laptops: laptops
Playstation or Xbox: neither
Summer or Winter: both
Cold or Warm: in between
Cowboys or Indians: both
Lover or Fighter: depends on my mood
Car or Truck: truck
Cup or Glass: glass
Fork or Spoon: spoon
Walking or Running: walking
The Fast or The Furious: meh?
What do you think of when I say. . .
Soup: bowl
Wardrobe Malfunction: ooopsies
Heaven: clouds
Hell: HOT!!!!
Cucumber: refreshing!!
Salad: diet
Big Mac: puke
Sexy: twit twoo!!
Pirates: Mmmmm jack Sparrow
Significant: other
Beautiful: can be so mant yhings
Lion: tiggers and bears!! Ow my!!
Blues Clues: meh?
Rainbow: Colours
Cloud: fluff
Rapper: in da hood!!
Gangsta: sad
White and Nerdy: ME!!
Lolli pop: Is my name
Wave: harrow!!
Fad: ...
Aliens: live under my bed
Ghost: 's are real
Survey: smurvey!!
Do you or have you ever had. . .
A piercing: yep, wanna know wer?
A tattoo: nope, too much commitment
A sibling: my seestor
Parents that are still together: nope
A boyfriend/girlfriend: had my share
A husband/wife: no way jose
A child: ahahahhahaha
A really wild party while your parents were away?: nope
An alcoholic beverage: all zee tym buster
A pet of your own: yep, he rocked!!!
A house of your own: I rent a flat? Does that count?
A car of your own: nope
An iPod: Yesh!!!
Do you. . .
Smoke: no way!!
Drink: Yep
Do drugs: nope....
Hug on the first date: I lurve the hugs!!!
Kiss on the first date: if it feels right
'Do it' on the first date: no way buster!! Im a lady!!
Shower Daily: course
Brush your teeth daily: course
Keep your room clean: nope, it's a hole!!!
Do all your homework: ?
Plan on going to college: been
Do you believe in. . .
God/Heaven: yeah it's a different state of mind
Satan/Hell: yep
Ghosts: it's a different state of mind
Aliens: not sure
Witches/wizards: ow yes
Magic: yup, or jus sumfin we dont understand?
Big Foot/Sasquatch/Abominable Snowmen: no way
The past life: yep
Global Warming: or just nature changing?
Humanism: lets come together
Scienceology: nope, load of bull cock
Hinduism: if you choose to
Buddism: interesting
Taoism: dunno what it is?
Wiccaism: if you choose to
What's your middle name?: Yvonne
Have any Nicknames?: Blondie, loobey, and my screen names
What is your favorite name?: i dunno?
What do you wish your name was?: Lolly pop
What is your favorite season?: all
Do you drink alot of water?: why?
Do you have a pet?: nope
Do you have a computer at your house?: nope
Do you live in an apartment, house, trailor or other?: shed
Favorite place to chill?: at mine
Favorite place to visit?: my ma's
Ever have an imaginary friend?: yep, he's here now
If so, what was their name?: he doesn't want me to say
Ever eaten something really disgusting?: yeh!! Kell's cooking!!
Do you work out?: nope, too lazy
Have you ever gotten arrested?: nope
If so, for what?: ...
Have you ever cheated on someone?: no, never wud
Has anyone ever cheated on you?: fink so
Have you ever kissed a stranger?: uh huh
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: maybe
have you ever gotten drunk?: no way
Could you ever be a vegitarian?: no..
Can you sing?: like a twat
Can you dance?: i can bust a few moves!!
Can you draw, paint, color well?: I fink so
Do you have a job?: yep
Do you like tape?: yeh, it's great
Do you like glue?: it's the best
Can you solve a Rubik's Cube?: nope, never tried
How did you like this survey?: it rocked?
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80's Pop: High Influence
90's Alternative: High Influence
90's Pop: High Influence
Adult Alternative: High Influence
Classic Rock: High Influence How's Your Taste in Music?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
You Are 50% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?
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cat fun at the blondels

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You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?





Diamond Eyes


Eyes full of Pain

What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as absinthe. you are artistic and creative, but a little unstable. you are magical and can have dillusions, and are a little mysterious.




















what alcoholic drink are you (pictures)
created with QuizFarm.com Unwell

Add to My Profile | More Videos Aww,Im soooo in love with this film, it makes me smile on the inside and makes me feel more "normal" and the Depp looks soooo HAWT!! Watch it, u'll love it.x Ow, the film is called Benny and Joon by the way!!:) Night at the Roxbury: ReMixed

Add to My Profile | More Videos One of the cod damn most funniest films in the whole of sweet cheeses' green earth!!! U have to see it, it's called A night at the Roxbury. Legend film, taught me how to bust a move any way!!! Hhah!!:)
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My Interests

Alcholic and music and stuff thats shiney, pointless tack. things of sentimental value, good people, larfing till a little bit of wee/snot cums out! Art, film, the buzz monkey game, my husband Captain Jack Sparrow off the telly, Black hair, piercings, posters, nice smells, glitter, twinkly lights, black cats, kinder buenos, moo choo's, shoes, wigs, fancy dress, tu tu's, sweeties, marmite,shopping, red phone boxes, bands, boys who play guitar......ask me more!!!!!!!xx

I'd like to meet:

Erm, i'm kinda up for meeting ne1 really... People who like to have a good ol' chuckle at themselfs from time to time,don't take life to seriously and just wanna have a good time, they'r tha kinda people who interest me. wudnt mind meeting monsieur jonny depp, tha wud be a right old treat! Russell Brand, Jack Black, Kate Moss errmm? well, we'l c aye!?

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I lurve loads of music, like loads!!! I like discovering new genres and music that can make me tingle! I like people who are passionate about music, dnt really like country or house tho....


I absolutly lurve comedy, laughung is good for the soul...i like anything a bit quirky and old skool hyat takes u back to feeling wee again!!!!


Errgh, always find myself feeding my eastenders addiction, sad! I hear you cry, but it kinda sux you in and leaves you feeling empty, shaking and rather traumatised, but i just can't seem to help myself! OOhh, the drama!


Bit lazy wen it comes to books, altho i do have one for decoration on my beside table about kids who recall past lives. I like things like that, nething about ghosts nd gools, altho it poops you up wen the lights go off! Hah! His almightyness Mr. Derek Acorah's book was an interesting read, it's fun to think there's a little bit of spiritual sumfin sumfin going on! I like books bout spiritual stuff, tarrot cards, crystal cards, angel healing etc.....


CHEEeeeeZE! But i gorra say me ma! She's an inspiration to all independent woman folk out there! ErrGh? anybody who has the balls to jus get on wiv life without moaning bout stoopid little things like the "oohh, orrible weather int it!" People who rnt to self absorbed and willing to hear other peoples stories, larf at themselfs and still smile even when it's grey outside. MAKE ME SMILE/LARF AND I'L LURVE U FOREVA!!!! THAT'S A LAURA PROMISE RIGHT THERE!!!!!XXAmelie

Add to My Profile | More VideosWHY CAN'T MORE PEOPLE BE LIKE AMELIE POULAIN?XX She's an angel and inspiration to me.