Hi! My name is Wendy. I have to admit my life is pretty good right now (knock on wood). I have two great kids who have FINALLY moved out of the house... LOL... and one equally as great ex-boyfriend who has recently become new again. After our recent trip south, we decided to take the plunge and move in together so I am now back in London, city of my youth! Thank goodness my bff is still here (hey Steph) because I don't know a single soul is this city anymore. In my past-life I was a rock star... o.k. I sang in a bar band, but I still go to karaoke so I can pretend I'm a rock star... LOL! Anyone know of any good places in London that have karaoke???? I also just recently found out that I'm going to be a grandma!!!! I'm still in shock but secretly hoping that it's a GIRL and she's just like her MOTHER... hehehehehe... and I can't wait to spoil her rotten :-).