I'd like to meet:
The voices in my head. Oh, and everyone else that's out there.
Tool. Deftones. Perfect Circle. Mars Volta. Muse. NIN. Miss Kitten. Portishead. Smashing Pumpkins. Team Sleep. Jazz and Bossa.
Anything by the Quay Brothers. Tim Burton films. Buffalo 66. City of God. Taxi Driver. City of Lost Children. THX1138. Science Fiction and Horror in general.
I'm free of television. I'd rather watch a movie, read a book, go out or work on my art than watch bullshit.
Chuck Palahniuk. Poppy Z. Brite. Neil Gaiman. Art reference books etc. Awakening the Buddha Within. Tibetan Book of the Dead. Liber Null & Psychonaut. Necronomicon.
My mother and grandfather -- bless their souls. I can't wait to see them again in the next life. My girlfriend and her family. My sisters and father. They will always be my everything.