Water, star gazing, trying to interpret ancient writting from all of the world from our ancestors, lost language, reading into dialect, loving, healing, crying, and seeing
imikimi -
christian music, alternative rock, rmb, even country. Arabic music, tabla players. I play the guitar and very basic on piano. I have a small mic and mini mixer so my recordings sound different cause I am trying to teach myself sound engineer
no tv...surely miss having it I have only hbo so tell me when there is a hurricane.oh yeah a walk to remember or a walk to forget!!!!. OH GEEE I wonder who produced it.LOL
Desperate housewives, ugly betty, samantha who
I read motivational books, spiritual, bible, the al'quran, omited gospels, romance novels, steven king, and miss rice.
My family.. also my grandmother who is the strongest woman I have met. I love you viejita. RIP Delia I love you too with all my heart. My grandfather in heaven cause I admire his drawings and painting. Oh yeah betty boop too