It's not all about me - it's about us.... Subzero areJamie Lowe (J.Lo)Sarah Sarre (Sar)Stevie Langlois (DJ Sniper)and Emma Wright (Lil Emz)We just go out clubbin and put on the odd gig here and there when we want to and need a proper blow out. We've DJ'd / put our equipment in for the likes of Fergie, Lottie, Tall Paul, Scanners - hell even Westwood wants to borrow our shit when he comes over !Check us out big time at this years Vale Earth Fair 2007, we are going balls out to make the Breaks and Beats area the best it's ever been - expect Hip Hop - a serious sound system - Beatboxin - Colour Laser - Breaks - Strobes - Drum and Bass - Smoke Machines - Dubstep - bit of everything really.BOY HOW WE ALL MISS THE MONKEY - AWESOME !!!
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