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I am here for Friends

About Me

'For myself I am an optimist - it does not seem to be much use being anything else'

Magda, the godson, a chocolate, wild flowers, Praha, 'Nothingman', shyness, disinterested, a forget-me-not in a rectified spirit, Krakow, never being bored, dancing, laziness, Key West, the sea, a broken rose, the beach, hand-made work, integral, teddy bear, home town, longing, 'One', bridge, imagination, sentimentality, Iceland, an old clock, sensitivity, shrew, friendship, a silk nightdress, modern, black and white, risk, 'Auguries of Innocence', chess, painting, ancient Egypt, an empty glass, sweet delight, an infinity, an order, finance, football

'Every Night & every Morn

Some to Misery are Born(...)

Some are Born to sweet delight(...)

Some are Born to Endless Night'

My Interests

listed below and on the right side

I'd like to meet:

no demands


Pearl Jam, Temple of The Dog, Bjork, U2, Depeche Mode, Sigur Ros, Coldplay, Sting, The Police, Smashing Pumpkins, Pink Floyd, Tori Amos, P.J. Harvey, Suzanne Vega, Garbage, Kate Bush, Neil Young, Radiohead, Tree Fish, T.Love, Myslovitz, Bartosiewicz


'DeadMan'; 'The Big Blue'; 'Leon'; 'Brodeuses'; 'The Piano'; 'Angel-a'; 'Lost Highway'; 'Wild at Heart'; 'The Godfather'; 'Scent of a Woman'; 'Breakfast at Tiffany's'; 'The Lion King'; 'Chocolat'; 'Arizona Dream'; 'Dancer in the Dark'; 'One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest'; 'The Well'; 'Powder'; 'Skazany na bluesa'; 'Rejs'


Northern Exposure


to tell the truth I don't like reading... but I liked 'Dziady' by Mickiewicz; 'White Nights' by Dostojewski; 'The Little Prince' by Exupery, 'One Hundred Years of Solitude' by Marquez, 'Loneliness in The Net' by Wisniewski, "Monologue from the Fox's Den' by Pilch



My Blog

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"A oto mój sekret. Jest bardzo prosty: dobrze widzi sie tylko sercem. Najwazniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu. - Najwazniejsze jest niewidoczne dla oczu - powtórzyl Maly Ksiaze, aby zapamietac. - Two...
Posted by goha on Mon, 22 Jan 2007 10:58:00 PST