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HEY (hey), YOU (you), GET OFF OF MY CLOUD!!!

About Me

Do what you like. Like what you do. Silver--favorite color for anything, except clothes. Tennis at high noon. I like being tan. I can spend the entire day making CDs for friends. I've been known to change my MySpace profile song at least seven times a day. Breakfast for dinner is grand. I would like to build something, like my first house. Cocktail sauce is the original ranch. Secretly, I love my cat. Painting rooms is a hobby. I like moving into a new space. Nothing beats a good movie soundtrack. I pay attention to detail. Personality profiles--I'm a Blue. Salsa music makes me wild. Dry humor will get you far with me. Bacon and maple syrup fused should be a candle scent. I like hula girls. The history of Egypt intrigues me. I hate missing movie previews. I get lost in book stores--on purpose. I like to sweat. I would never swim in Loch Ness. Snakes and werewolves scare me equally. I want a Jeep--with no doors to drive to work in my suit. Cottage cheese with pepper and Ruffles chips. Summer rain. Laundry scent. Kids DO say the darn-dest things. Brand new notebooks/sketchbooks. Iced chai tea. Sonic drinks. Irish Spring soap. Chocolate Tootsie pops. Viewing everday surroundings with a tourist's eye. An eat-in-the-rough restaurant. Poking holes in church bulletins and passing notes. "Skit night" at camp. Dinner with laughter. Marshmallows by a fire. The first week of school. Braking for rainbows. Coca-Cola dispensers. Encouraging children to be creative. Modern art. The cool underside of a pillow. Tree houses. Taking a walk when the world is too much. Older, atmospheric bars. Barstools. Exploring, taking chances, being adventurous and spontaneous. Washing the car while barefoot. Setting up an office. Paying attention to how different types of music affect you. Street musicians. When friends drop in. Sandboxes. Worcestershire sauce. Not getting lost in a new town. Log cabins. Refinishing a flea-market find. Fireplace bursts. Going to sleep with a line through every item on the things-to-do list. Six-ounce Coke bottles. Horoscopes. Nothing making more sense in the summer than forgetting to be sensible. Meeting someone at the airport. Family-style all-you-can-eat restaurants. I'm not a Monday morning person. Sunrises are great when I can get myself up for them. I love swimming. I detest shaving. Talking animal movies ARE funny. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. Stuffing is glorious. John Williams is a genius. Ed Burns and Kevin Smith inspire me to be a screenwriter. I love coloring books. Black pens, always. The Book-It program sucks. Industrial lofts, the only way. Sarah Lee poundcake is heaven. I like quick sketches more than finished paintings. First subtitled movie: 'Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon.' First drive-in movie: 'E.T.' Theater: 'The Neverending Story.' PEOPLE...let's SAVE THE MUSIC!!! I like driving fast in mall parking lots. Black & Tan's. Never carved a pumpkin. Cinnamon Pop-Tarts w/icing--untoasted. Mario is my all-time favorite video game franchise. I save my quarters and hate counting dimes. Ice cream from the cone down is the best part. I really like rearranging furniture. Wind farms rock! Shooter marbles. Western swinging doors. Coloring books with markers. Street food. Subconsciously, I match my underwear to whatever shirt I'm wearing. Cupcakes vs. cake...there's a difference. Ships in bottles. Church pews in bars. Frosted Flakes in ice cold milk. Lazily wiping your hands on your shirt. Xmas lights in palm trees. Pasta salad(s). Verbs such as: perfumed, bushwhacked, and mesmorized. Corn dogs. Homemade sangria. Spooning. Aunt Jemima. Blood bank snack tables. Tucking the strings on my hoodies or pulling them out. Inside-out sweatshirts. Q-Tips. 6 strokes of deodorant. Pizza Hut smells. No-bakes. Staying in the tub till the water is cold or you run out of hot water "reheating" it. Animal troughs full of ice cold soda and beer. High ceilings. Spice-colored kitchens. Walking to DQ for a Mr. Misty on a class field trip. Growing plants in milk cartons for Mother's Day. Popsicle stick projects. Mom's cinnamon/sugar toast. Grandma Johnson's homemade chocolate milk shaker. Grandma Weatherly's creamy scrambled eggs with lots of pepper. Cheesy potatoes. Aunt Cheryl's sweet-sweet tea. "Music in the air." My old yellow Dandelion Days tee. Nevada Neptune blue sweats with gold stars sewn on. Sharper Image. Banana bread--no nuts. "Biscuits'n'gravy are my life!" The 48-count Crayola box with sharpener. Lite Brites minus the pattern paper. I like my pizza like my women...saucy. Chocolate milk with ice. Barn homes. "You're never too old for Kool-Aid." Steel drum weddings. One-room schoolhouses. Freestanding full size mirrors. Bingo. Muppets. Fireflies. Sleepy pets. Freshly cracked black pepper. Going to watch a prom. Rolling up your sleeves. Walls overgrown with ivy. Finger painting with pudding. Hammocks. 89.1 The Wood on weekends. Bacon curls. Fire escapes. Town squares. Bringing dead plants back to life. A full fridge. Nursing home humor. I have no problem blowing my nose in the shower. I firmly believe that PT Cruisers were built by fat people, for fat people. How you pick out what you believe to be the perfect greeting card for someone...then turn around and find the one that tops it and is truly PERFECT! Sometimes I scan the radio stations hoping to hear a significant song--as some sort of "sign"--for whatever I'm self-questioning at that moment in my car. Going to the movies in the afternoon when you're supposed to be at work. Rambunctiousness. Going up on the roof and examining your neighborhood. Getting a library card. The structure of texts. Rain forests. Turning points in life. Hot chocolate at an outdoor cafe. Black lights. "Happy Birthday" yelled as you enter a crowded room. A brick wall. Thirsty children kissing water from a fountain. Coffeehouses. Being frugal. Baking in a brick oven. Small-town cafes. Fern gardens. Watching the rain fall. Unexpected phone calls. The study of wind resistance conducted by holding a cupped hand out the car window. Chicken wire. Calling bars "lounges." 3M Clubhouse holiday cookies. Chunky spaghetti sauce. Rechecking the mailbox to make sure your letter has gone down. Taco dinners. The special symbols used by cartoonists to replace swear words. Pumpkin pie. Walking tall. Scenes from old movies. Cowboy boots. Grass stains. Clean sheets. The contagious act of yawning. The smell of Band-Aids. High school rock bands. Lighted swimming pools. Mugs of soup. A winding staircase. Liquid Smoke seasoning. Perfect summer parties. Music stands. Abstract art. Letting the breezes blow through. Natural wood. Love under an umbrella. Stabbing a block of frozen vegetables to make them cook faster. Oscar night. Spinning around on a diner stool. Porch swings. Continental breakfasts. People who take risks, who are creative and love to experiment, who improvise and make the best of what they have. Someone calling to check on you when you're sick. Listening to music so beautiful that it makes you cry. Not just seizing the day but making the day. People who hold the elevator doors so they don't close in your face. Kids making their own valentines. Paint shirts. The logbook at an inn. Sponge baths. Two lamps by the bed so you don't disturb the other person. Bottled beer. Patio dining in summer. Knowing it's never too late to learn. Laughter being the best medicine. Believing that crying is good for you. The unique smell of new Play-Doh. Restaurants that allow you to bring your own wine. Riding your bike to work. 20 shades of green in a tree. Toga parties. Painting the apartment. An entourage. Photographing children. Cat hammocks. Your first love letter. Having a baby's sneakers bronzed. Freedom. The cakewalk. Freedom to flunk French. The sun-tanned, crew-cut, all-American male. Driving alone. Wilderness jeep safaris. A scene that is highly paintable and photographable. Cowbells and tamberines. The few seconds of pleasure before the aftertaste of a diet drink sets in. Social skills. Cheese stores. Cake donuts. Having a beer in the shower. Learning words to songs. Body language. David Letterman. Going to the same restaurant often enough to be given the same table or, at the least, the staff know your name. Browsing in a toy store. Peppermint ice cream. Buying yourself a toy you wanted as a child. Wild rice. Washing your hair in the rain. Toasted marshmallows--black on the outside. Red wine. Ice weighing down trees. Hot dog buns. A bag of donut holes from Daylight Donuts. The shower, where the acoustics are concert-perfect. Doing something spontaneous on a "snow day." Yearbooks. Tailgating. Just happening upon a parking spot in the right place. Watching the same TV shows as someone even when you're not together. Clocks that tick. Old-fashioned door keys. Art supply stores. The smell of coffee grounds. Hub caps. Prints of boats. Chewable vitamins. Treating yourself to a new toothbrush. A window jungle of plants. The 5 W's and H. Getting your picture in the paper. Styrofoam beer coolers. Drawing a self-portrait. Barn-swinging. Laissez-faire. When hiking through snow, using the footsteps of one who has boldly gone before you. Falling asleep on the couch. Being motioned to come sit by someone. Grilling over slow coals. Sunday papers. Groundhog Day. Hot, gooey chocolate-chip cookies. Throwing a coin in a well and making a wish no matter how stupid it looks in the middle of a mall. Team pennants. Gatorade kegs. Playing among big trees and rocks, preferably at Radio Springs Park. Tabasco sauce. Hickory spice. The quiet spirit of holiday music. The smell of old school buildings. Five cent gum and candy after Bronaugh chicken. The third pancake of a batch being the first good one. Taking in a stray. Pull-apart bread loaves. A sense of humor in bed. Laughing as you remember good times together. Double-decker sandwiches. Free stuff from a hotel. Getting in the right line at the store. Familiar sounds of the Deep South. Redwood trees. Your first room at college--roommate not included. Cracker Jack prizes. Eating TV dinners while sitting on the floor. Charisma. Show-and-tell. Field mushrooms, fried in butter and flour. Taking a dare. Disco dancing. Getting a passport. Political consciousness. Bushels. Remembering people's names long after they've forgotten yours. Smiling in phone booths at Epcot. Pink lemonade. Willow trees. Learning the ropes. Attempts to communicate with the donut waitress on the other side of the glass case. The retort,"Don't make me laugh!" Ship models. Melted butter. The sound of sneakers squeaking against the floor during basketball games. High school sports action popcorn vs. theater popcorn...there's a difference. A really good hamburger. A wintergreen toothpick. Taking a child to the park to feed the ducks. Movie posters. Going sockless. Devilish grins. The long, weary walk up the aisle at the end of a movie. Celebrating self-invented holidays. Aloe. People who bob up and down in the ocean trying to stay dry above the waist. Floor-to-ceiling windows. Uncharted seas. Bicycling in the evening. Being someone's pillow. A bed left guiltlessly, spontaneously unmade. Writing with chalk on the driveway. Drinking a whole bottle of wine and playing all your old records. Drive-in trays hooked onto windows. College basketball. The blare of brass. Young marrieds. The smell of a baby's skin. The LOVE stamp. Social workers. The taste of cake batter. Reading menus. The Super Bowl. Funhouse mirrors. Blue collarism. Squeezing one more brushful out of the toothpaste tube. Thanksgiving Day parades. Old, old black-and-white snapshots. Reminiscing while listening to Frank Sinatra. Marinara sauce. Yellow stacks of National Geograpic. Christmas chains to count the days. Open restaurant kitchens. Going back to your hometown: visiting the schools you attended, bringing back your childhood. Grilled cheese. Writing in the sand for pictures. A bachelor pad. Drawings on the fridge. Dancin' in the moonlight. Pie-eating contests. Eating contests in general. Candyland. Baths in the dark. The slogans...): "Hot eats, cool treats" and "Good times, great oldies." Pouring milk into a cereal bowl and knowing to stop when the edge starts to move. A quote from a favorite novel. Throwing rice at newlyweds. The dance you perform when someone is pointing a rubber band at you. The one you dress up for. The height to which a cat's rear end can rise to meet the hand stroking it. The teacher you remember. Grilling. Making up songs, both lyric and theme. Driving an old pick-up truck. Setting things in motion. Restaurant supply stores. The beat of a drum. Editorial mail. Going to yard sales early on summer mornings. Thankyoufalettinmebemyselfagain. Winter forcing you to stay home and get acquainted with yourself. Happiness coming in three ways: anticipation, realization, memory. Finding out that for years you've mispronounced one of your favorite words. Funny business. The thumping of a bass drum. Pizza and beer. The first day of sandals. Soap-on-a-rope. Track lighting. Water pressure. Snuffleupagus. Fraggle Rock. Oxford shirt collars being sexy. Caves. Tumbleweeds. Shower benches. Knowing the names of senators and representatives. A sharp pencil. The jingle of pet ID tags. Touring local industries. Encouraging the lost art of reading. Colors against a good tan. Falling asleep in the car. Round Band-Aids. Places heavy with history. Teaching by example. Fear of being approached by several dozen waiters singing "Happy Birthday." The smell of rainstorms and roses and fresh-cut grass. Fresh paint. The individual vegetables or tater tots in a TV dinner that escape over the wall into the brownie zone. Lofts. Togas. Waxed paper. Making words from Alpha-Bits cereal. People who wear sunglasses at night. The many ways that make a kid feel big. Men who wear T-shirts: "So many women, so little time." Jars to collect things in. Adults who talk baby talk. Muppet Babies. A living room's litter of unwrappings on Christmas or birthdays. Sneakers with dress suits. "Keep on truckin'" Everyone yelling "bingo" except you. Making a documentary film. Faking your way through unintelligible lyrics. Halos. Picking your own lobster from the restaurant tank. Potluck dinners. Syllables. Sneaking to the front of the line. Stonehenge. The loose strand on each forkful of spaghetti that beats you on the chin. Railroad tracks. Dark rooms. Being addicted to the systematically popping bubbles in packing material. Being alive with wine, laughter, and love. Banana bread. Cinnamon rolls. Croissants. French toast. Rye. Whole-wheat. Pints. A wall of books. Physical education shirts. Remembering when the KFC buckets rotated. When you're in love with the world. Driving by the house in which you grew up. A rabbit's foot. Mississippi: antebellum mansions, magnolia trees, shrimp boats, pecan trees. Dr. Seuss. Blackberry wine. Logos, graphics, whimsy, stenciling, trompe l'oeil, pen-and-ink renderings, painted primitives, and illustration. Riding bikes in school parking lots. Little kids wearing backward shirts, superhero capes, cowboy boots, etc. because their parents let them dress themselves. Enduring traditions. Nouns. "To thine own self be true." Snapping towels at people. Rearranging furniture. Discovering a new singer, actor, writer, restaurant, or recipe. Sleeping naked between crisp sheets. Magazine-picture collages. A white Christmas. Company picnics. Getting a really good haircut. Laughing at someone's favorite story...again. Men who wear glasses. Looney Tunes cartoons. Fortune cookies. Buying a good shirt in more than one color. Bowling leagues. Roadside stands. Changing habits. Granola cereals. Parkay talking butter tubs. Flexible straws. Straw worms. Pie crusts made with lard. The songs of summer slowly revealed. Half-cartwheels. Beamed ceilings. Practicing dance steps in the middle of the living room. Tubing. Stained-glass. The Omelet Lady of Blair-Shannon dining hall. Swimming with a kickboard. Running a booth at a fair. Comparing movies to books. Tire swings. Growing midget vegetables, i.e. cherry tomatoes. Appearing on TV. Washing the car. Baseball mitts. No-turning-back situations. Leafing through boxes of unsorted photographs. Beer tents at festivals. Dodgeball. Social climbing but remembering one's roots. Sweatpants on a windy day. The pong of a tennis ball. John=bathroom=bano. Drinking from the garden hose. Philly cheese steaks. Being realistic. Making friends with a dog. New York Seltzer. Heinz ketchup phones. Science fair volcanoes. Chair tents. Pinball-lit pizza emporia. The Golden Apple arcade. Rearranging the entire house in one day. Sports trophies. Choosing, at whim, quiet back roads. Double cherry Cokes. Strawberry. Cranberry. Orange. Grape. Eating the cookie batter before it makes it to the oven. Whales. Notebooks with blank pages to be filled. The last day of school. Inexpensive cafeteria lunches. Beer-cheese soup. The last pickle in the jar that resists being captured. High, sexy heels and the scent of a passing woman. Smiling your smile. Tall booths in restaurants. Colorful markets. Salamanka Market. Enlarging a favorite photo. Taking something off the grocery shelf, deciding you don't want it, and then putting it back in another section...completely covert. The art of conversation. Looking forward to the mail each day, snail or email. Progressive dinner parties. Provolone cheese. Improving yourself. Putting together a swing set for children and seeing the look in their eyes. Exploring your unconscious. Mirrored objects. Rural remoteness. Visiting museums. Sometimes just having to say "What the hell!"Basically, I'm musically mulatto given the fact that I'm part Beatles/Clapton/ZZ-Top/John Cougar Mellencamp courtesy my pops and part Tina/Aretha/Diana/CCR via mi madre. I truly believe that I was born to drive a stray '66 Mustang OR '92 Jeep Cherokee still looking for refuge. My dream is to someday do something productive that's both soulfully satisfying AND saturated with people that make me laugh. (I'm close to finding it, but not...quite...there...YET!)Been here in St. Louis three years and still haven't found what I'm looking for...though not completely true as:• Some of my closest friends reside in this "city that grows on ya,"
• not to mention my cool-headed boyfriend Brian
• My family is shortly across the state if need be to get home for something important
• I love my job--especially where it's taken, and about to launch, me in the future
• There are a lot of different things to do here which, for me, include: catching the latest concerts at various venues, running at Carondelet & Tower Grove Park(s), gorging on cali/tex-mex at Chimichangas or along Cherokee street, cruising for music at Record Exchange on Hampton, diving for dumpster digs--i.e. cool furniture/old art-- along the alleys of Soulard & South City, screening a movie with beers and buds at Ronnie's 20 Cine, or just getting a cup of coffee and reading down at any one of my "old" neighborhood spots on Grand South Grand.I'm new to the web and chat sites but am optimistic about who I might meet here that could bring something new to the table. So basically, I dare you to bring it and if you're really wondering what's on my mind these days...check out my blog.

My Interests

"It is not inertia alone that is responsible for human relationships repeating themselves from case to case, indescribably monotonous and unrenewed: it is shyness before any sort of new, unforeseeable experience with which one does not think oneself able to cope. But only someone who is ready for everything, who excludes nothing, not even the most enigmatical." --Rilke

I'd like to meet:


If you really care...and TRUST ME when I say that music matters to me, please see 'R.I.P. Love Monkey' blog. Thanks for playing!


All-time favorite: REALITY BITES!!!; 80's: Sixteen Candles, St. Elmo's Fire, Say Anything, The Big Chill, Cocktail, Back to the Future's 1 & 2, Field of Dreams, Romancing the Stone, Top Gun, Stand By Me, The Lost Boys, Heathers, Goonies, The Dark Crystal, etc.; In general: The Power of One, The Lion King, Babe (or other talking animal flicks--it's just funny), Jurassic Park series, Batman series, About Schmidt, About a Boy, High Fidelity, A Night at the Roxbury, Life or Something Like It, Brothers McMuellen, She's The One, Romeo Must Die, 28 Days, The Color Purple, Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion, Mission Impossible II, Vanilla Sky, Spelling Bee, Halloween, The Broken Hearts Club, Alfie...remake version, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Fight Club, Waiting for Guffman.


Grey's Anatomy!!!, October Road, Veronica Mars, Love Monkey, Six Feet Under (AMAZING!), The Wonder Years (that soundtrack is GOLDEN!), Growing Pains (the Mike Seaver carriage house years), Extreme Makeover: Home Edition (I'm such a pussy cryer!), Best Week Ever!, Arrested Development, The Apprentice (seasons 1 & 2 were genius!!!), The O.C. (God bless Blockbuster.com supporting my guiltiest pleasure!), Nip/Tuck, Will & Grace, Scrubs, Queer As Folk (season 4 especially!), The Simple Life (mainly season 1, but 2 ain't bad--NO MORE!), Seinfeld (season 5 especially!), Sex and the City (seasons 2 & 4 especially!... and I ain't down w' da TBS version!!!), Trading Spaces/Flip That House/House Hunters, any major news network (CNN, CSPAN, etc.), MTV, VH-1, BET, FUSE, etc.


The Book of Joe, Everything Changes, and Plan B--Tropper is a GOD!; Three Fortunes in One Cookie, The Color Purple, Fast Food Nation, The Frog King, Urban Tribe, The Witching Hour, Nickel and Dimed, Leaves of Grass, The Power of One, African Nights, In a Sunburned Country, It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life; Life of Pi, Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology, How I Learned to Snap: A Small Town Coming-Out and Coming-of-Age Story; the MANdates, About a Boy, High Fidelity, Eighty-Sixed, What Should I Do with My Life?, Queer in America: Sex, the Media, and the Closets of Power; Feel This Book: Ben Stiller and Janeane Garofalo's Essential Guide to Self-Empowerment, Spirtual Supremacy, and Sexual Satisfaction; The Color Code, Crichton--especially Jurassic Park and Travels; anything travel related and/or adjacent.

My Blog

Won't the real Slim/Jim Shady please stand up?!!

Shady:adjective1. (of businesses and businessmen) unscrupulous; "a shady operation" [syn: fly-by-night] 2. of questionable taste or morality; "a louche nightclub"; "a louche painting" [syn: louche] ...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 09:27:00 PST

iRun, therefore iJam

I say for Holly...MISS Liter if you're nasty!Jim's Summer Runnin' iList (sorry for the delay L...keep me posted on upcoming 'thons.)Warm-UpOpen Your Eyes-Snow PatrolEverybody Wants To Rule The World-T...
Posted by Jim on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 09:12:00 PST


Every season needs a theme...ESPECIALLY summer.  Period. Thus, Jim's Summer '07 Theme: "CrazySexyCool" It's time to take it back like it's '97 when we were all a little more fit, ...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 31 May 2007 02:17:00 PST

HERE or THERE (week of May 18)

HERE:   1. "Buy U A Drank (Shawty Snappin')"- T-Pain feat. Yung Joc. (YES!!!  Summer song season is finally here!) 2. Fresh tomatoes. (This fruit/veggie is definitely my Forest Gump shr...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 18 May 2007 03:55:00 PST

Post-it's From the Edge

As a kid, I used to love buying fresh new sketchbooks at Wal-Mart. (And no, not the cheap ones located in the school supplies section, the good ones back in crafts with the nice perforated pages.)&nbs...
Posted by Jim on Fri, 04 May 2007 03:30:00 PST

HERE or THERE (week of May 4)

HERE:   1. Casey's pizza. (Yes, it's from a gas station...Yes, it's cheap...And yes, it's THAT good--especially when it's just a tad cold and rubbery.) 2. "Orange Crush" - R.E.M. (My new favorit...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 03 May 2007 09:51:00 PST

HERE or THERE (week of April 26)

HERE:    1. My brand new black baby MacBook. (Someone cue Celine's "A New Day Has Come" and/or Lennon's "Beautiful Boy.") 2. "These Are My People"-Rodney Atkins. ("We fall down and We get u...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 03:18:00 PST

HERE or THERE (week of April 13)

HERE:   1. "Umbrella"-Rihanna feat. Jay-Z. (Yet again, Rihanna delivers a song that puts a smile on my face when I think about how Brian's there for me during hard times now...and down the line....
Posted by Jim on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:07:00 PST


From:Marci Did you hear the news about josh& 9:27P MonApr09   To:Marci Wha? CB#:3145034446 9:28P Mon Apr09   From:Marci He was killed today& 9:28P MonApr09   http://www.ka...
Posted by Jim on Tue, 10 Apr 2007 02:57:00 PST

Better Off?

Recently, I got back into non-fiction with a book called Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology by Eric Brende.  As I was climbing the steps to the Carondelet Branch library Monday mo...
Posted by Jim on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 12:59:00 PST