my name is lorrie patterson i go to holt high school,im in the 10th grade!i love hanging out with all my friends,JoRdAn DaViS,ToRi SkElToN,TeD DeNtOn,ToDd DeNtOn,DaKoTa TyLeR,TyLeR LeE,CoWbOy,DrEw BaIlEy,MaNdI wEaVeR,jOjO,rUsTy WiLlIaMs,KyLeIgH mONtGoMeRy,PaUlA mUlLiNeX,cHrIsTy & KeIoNnA,JeSsIe D,jOnAtHaN gRaY,mIcAh DeAn,KeViN mOrRis,& DeXtEr WeAvEr!i enjoy mudriding,fishing,& hunting!!!!im single but im still inlove with JoRdAn RiCe DaVis,so guys dont get no ideas!!!!
i love you jordy!!!!!!!XOXOXO!!!!!!