.s u s a n. profile picture

.s u s a n.

I can sum up everything I've learned in life:: it goes on

About Me

This profile was made at Whateverlife.com! :)
"do not look back and grieve over the past,
for it is gone.
and do not be troubled about the future,
for it has yet to come.
live in the present,
and make it so beautiful that it will be worth
- Ida Scott Taylor
mama named me susan cuz i do tha damn thing.
started turnin heads when i walked in the room.
give me a big, juicy steak, and i'll be happy for hours.
i love my family more than anything possible.
i don't need to be with my friends all the time, we got texting and thats how we roll.
I probly come off as a stuck up hoe, but honestly, thats the last thing I'd choose to be.
I love going out, and I'm not the type who can stay home every night.
if you lie to me, i seriously will start to dislike you, i can't take being lied too. I like to change my myspace a lot, and if you honestly think i'm obsessed with this thing then don't bother talking to me. I'm a.d.d. and it sucks. I live for the beach,pool, and the lake. I can stay on a tube for awhile. I'm really girly looking, but I'm actually not at all girly. I don't care what you think about me, and I never will.
i have a boyfriend.who i love to death. we havn't been together all that long, but i feel like we've been together our whole lives. he means the world to me. he can make me smile no matter what mood i'm in. he always makes me feel good about myself. i've tried so many new things with him that i wouldn't have tried with anyone but him. he is not only my boyfriend, but he is my best friend. i love you branden keith kemp. <7.7.07>

My Interests