At the moment I like readin and drawin.I really like music especially wen iv'e ad a few bevy's. I am goin to try and do a bit of swimmin ant done it for years, too lazy but i like it!(new years resolution)and prob do some cooking coz i can't cook 4 shit."beans on toast anyone"
mmmmmm, i would like to meet............ Mani,ive seen im on Soccer AM he woz well funny,Ricky Tomlinson,Sue Johnston,Dionne Warwick,Finley Quaye,Sizzla,David Bowie,Jennifer Anniston,Madonna, I wud like 2 meet a buddhist monk, "early doors" crew (thats fukin hilarious.)Uma Therman, Lady Saw, Johnny Rotten, Ian Brown, Primal Scream, Massive Attack, Alan Partridge(just the character),Donna Koran, Ricky Gervais, Anthony Hopkins and Bjork,also New Order.Oh yeh n Goerge Bush so i could ripppp the pisss out of the little fuckwit!!! (avin a bit of an angry day)lol
Sizzla- Rise To The Occasion
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There is 2 many films 2 mention but my fav's are "Pulp Fiction","The Green Mile","Bombon",Labrynth" wat a trippy film!,also "The Rescuers",both "Kill Bills" "Silence of the Lambs""Dancehall Queen"and "Rockers"
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