Rena profile picture


You just don't know who you're talking to, until you meet them face to face.

About Me

I am an artist. Right now I'm in a rut because I must produce work in order to survive. I'd like to produce art because I love it. But, there's this thing called paying the rent. I want to write and paint and play music like a bum. I mean like a Bohiemian! At least I've gotten to the point where I don't have to accept any custom requests. (I've turned into a snob). You either like what I do and buy it, or wait till you see something I've done you gotta have. *I gotta have my ink. I have 9 tattoos. Most done by the guys at 1st Amendment Tattoo, Temecula CA. "Hi Mike, Nathan and Diamond!
" ..
Free Myspace Layouts by
Abstract 3 Myspace Layouts

My Interests

Music, story telling, painting in oil, pretty things. Pretty people. My first painting in a year and a half. "Miss Beata Brant at the Derby, June 2007" Yeah, I know it only sort of looks like her.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to interact with other creative people who don't have an ego to match their level of talent. Do you know what I mean? I don't care for flakey folk either. I'm flakey enough. I'm all I can handle on that front.How about Kiefer Sutherland...I'd like to buy him a drink.I'd like to meet NATALIJA! I did get to meet Roccos Bunny face to face. (Girls, he's teh HOT!)Now were the hell is that Mr. Sutherland..I'd like to know!I'd also like to meet M. Night Shyamalan and Stephen King.


Hard Rock: Led Zeppelin,Rob Zombie,Breaking Benjemin, Seether, Drowning Pool, Alice in Chains, Metalica.Blues Rock: Eric Clapton, Los Lobos, Dire Straits, Tito and Terancula, George Thoroghgood,Original material no catagory: Rocco Deluca and the Burden.."Hi Rocco! Hi Dave!"


Rough and tumble, magical stuff.


Not so much


Icons Halloween Vintage Graphics by E. Jim Heimann. I actually remember some of these from the early 60's. God I'm old.


Pam Crain. I love that girl. I just can't get enough of her. You can get her at J.B.Victorias in Luecadia CA. She's an amazing personal adviser. What does that mean you say? Ok, she's a psychic. She was my friend before she started getting famous. She deserves everything good in this world....................................................... ............................................................ ......................................................... I used to participate in historical reinactments during the '90. I love all period movies. Especially ones Kiefer has been in...*big kiss*This is Iknatomi, Me and Matt. Red Lodge Montana 1994. I want to buy this.

My Blog

Shopping for bras

Ok, I went shopping for new bras the other day. I found two really pretty ones at the outlet mall here in town. They fit ok and I was happy..or so I thought. I put the pretty pail crannberry one on to...
Posted by Rena on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 02:49:00 PST

Cats and sex

I once had a cat who was very interested in human mating rituals. Everytime my boyfriend and I would do the wild thing, we'd look up and she'd be sitting on the edge of the bed just watching us. ...
Posted by Rena on Sat, 01 Sep 2007 05:50:00 PST

Now about liers and lying...

I generally don't lie. I don't make things up, and I try to report events as I witness them (as acurately as possible). I've noticed that people who lie quite often somehow automatically assume that e...
Posted by Rena on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 10:37:00 PST

Painting again

Well, I'm painting again and not just the walls! I got my water mixable oils and I love it! I also went by JoAnnes and found they were "giving away" or just about fine paint brushes. I got about 16 of...
Posted by Rena on Sat, 23 Jun 2007 07:00:00 PST

Stalking famous folk...

well...not really....just taking an opportunity where it comes! Wow I got to meet Jack Black! I can't even believe how jazzed about that I am!! I'm even more impressed than the time I talked to Robert...
Posted by Rena on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 03:32:00 PST

this is a truly timeless message

to the people I really care about, and the people I believe who truly own a heart of gold. ..> ..> NEIL YOUNG LYRICS"Heart Of Gold"I want to live,I want to giveI've been a minerfor a heart of gold...
Posted by Rena on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 08:01:00 PST

In last nights dream

I dreamed I met Stephen King. He was funny in a creepy sort of way..I've only seen breif interviews with him, so I have no idea what he might be really like.  
Posted by Rena on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 06:55:00 PST

Now is that Graditude...

Or is it really love.....??? I see this CD was released on my birthday 16 years ago. ...Boy I was hot back then!! Now is that graditude...ew...eeeww...ew...ew..ew...? I love Danny Elfman!!...
Posted by Rena on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 03:17:00 PST

It's not always about sex.....

You know I'm baffled by people who think all interactions with opposite sex is about...well...."sex". Because it isn't. It's only about sex if you want to fuck. I don't want to fuck every viril male I...
Posted by Rena on Sun, 25 Mar 2007 10:23:00 PST

The kid finially moved out...

I have mixed emotions. On one hand he was driving me crazy. On the other hand I'll miss him.
Posted by Rena on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 11:10:00 PST