"rOcK iT!! tiLL thE whEeL faLL oFf"
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k dHeY dOn'T hAvE 2 b A GoOd LoOkiNg oR A wEaLtHy azz LiViNg tHiNg !!!! yAh!!!!..... aLL i WaNtEd i$ a pErSoN tHaT wOuLd aPpReCiAtE aNd aCcEpT wHo i Am.. wiLL bE tHeRe fOr mE tHrOuGh RoUgH aNd GoOd tiMeZ:;:;: tiLL mY VeRy LaSt bReAtH...
hEy i LoVe mUsIc..... tHaT mAkEs Me Go cRaZy!!!!!
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nO,, dRaMa!!!!!!!
i LoVe wHaT tHoSe aNiMaLs Do On ThE diScOvErY ChAnNeL,,,, SpiKe tV oBcOuRsE,,,M T V,,,,hiStOrY cHaNnEL,,,,,
my PriNcEsS