Well lots of things intrest me but for how long now thats the question.. My only passions gossip, laughing, writing, and the art of people... If that makes any sense.. and they are the only things that keep my attention for 5 seconds or more..
Well I listen to all kinds.. and I am pretty damn sure you don't care what I listen too.. cause you like what you like and I do too... so there ya go..
Hm.. I watch them. and for the most part they intrest me.. but I like movies that are more about twists and intrigue and less about the ups and downs of human emotion.. I have enough of that in life..
I am not a huge tv watcher.. But I do love how everything is reality tv.. Hair cutting.. now tv.. Making clothes.. now tv.. Swaping mates.. yup that too is tv.. its damn funny and ironic we tune out of our lives to be entertained by other peoples real lives..
Im not a big reader.. but I have a few favorites that not even I got bored with..
Running with scissors
Breakfast of Champions
So it maybe cliche but damn if it's true My big sister is my hero..
her and well Jesus ofcourse.. I mean come on who else could use the line "I am going to die for your sins, you can't give me a little.."