Art, Love, spirituality, sex, music, intellect, martial arts, fast cars, sexy cars, movies, life in general, details, storys, people, family, close friends, knives, occasional gardening, making some of my furnature, -eel farming has always interested me- delicious food, tea sandwiches, mountain lions, a good bisque, etc... copyright ADAM LICSKO 2008 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2008 copyright ADAM LICSKO2008 copyright ADAM LICSKO2008 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyrigh ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright AADAM LICSKO 2007I forgot the title of this? copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 "orange hill" copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 "ojai" copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 "parallel to green" copyright ADAMLICSKO 2007 "night road" copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007This is the finished painting. (I had an "un-finished" picture before) copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 This is an old oil sketch. About 8.5 x 11 inches. Copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 Copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007 copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007
Relatively self aware and generally cool people. If you dont know what it means to be self aware then it's time that you find out. I love creative types (artists, writers, film makers, sculptors, actors, photographers, etc...). I like poaple that don't make excuses about themselves and ARE what they ARE. People who are not afraid of what other poeple think about them (there's a concept!). People a little, NAY, a lot less superficial! ( it's not that difficult). I like people who are polite and cool to others especially to those in the service industry. I would like to meet loving people who are generally kind and unjaded. Also people who are unlikely to step on an insect with malace! It seems like a small thing but it shows a certain understanding of the universe. I wan't to meet LOVERS of life! copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007
I'm a drummer and I love, quite literally, almost all types of music! (except "Creed")"frog dude" copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007
Bladerunner, StarWars, Alien, Renegade(bad name but great movie), Mouse Hunt(Christopher Walken!) Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz! Lawrence Of Arabia, When Harry Met Sally, Starship Troopers, South Park- Bigger.. Longer.. and Un-cut, House of Yes, Weird Science, Heat, Ice Age, The Incredibles, Gods Must Be Crazy, A Christmas Story, Ideocracy, Total Recall, Holy Grail, Pee Wees Big Adventure, True Romance, LA Story, First Men In The Moon, Serenity, Flawless, UHF, The Story Of Us, Fifth Element, Fire In The Sky, Communion, Fear And Loathing in Las Vegas, Departed, Aliens, Fast-Cheap-And Out Of Control, Fog Of War, Drop Dead Gorgeous, Terminator, T2, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Spaceballs, Lord Of The Rings (trilogy), Good Bad and the Ugly...All images are copyright of ADAM LICSKO
I DESPISE television! I wont even dignify it with capital letters in my exclamation of how much I dont like it! Sorry to all of you "tv-ites" out there.copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007
Too many to list! Lord Of The Rings, "Ender" series, Rama series, Carlos Casteneda series, Life of Pi was good, Creatures of Light and Darkness, etc...copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007copyright ADAM LICSKO 2007
There are a lot of people that I admire in this world (Female and Male alike) but my Mom is my real hero. Oh yes, and my cat... Meme!Meme, "the sadist".