Writing, comedy clubs, novels, music, true crime books, cartoons, amusement parks, cruises...etc.
Angelina Jolie
Stephen Chow
MF Doom, J Dilla, Danger Doom, Gorillaz, Kanye West, Christina Aguilera...I'm all over the place with this one. I'll listen to most things if it's good. From country, to hip hop (some of it anyway), to pop. I love Italian music too.
Kung Fu Hustle, Shaolin Soccer, Tale of Two Sisters, Scent of the Green Papaya, Sin City, The Believer, etc.
The Boondocks, Dave Chappelle, The Simpsons, Family Guy, Adult Swim, the History and History International channels, the Discovery Channels, and A&E when Bill Curtis has something on.
I like the following authors: Zora Neale Hurston, Bebe Moore Campbell, Joyce Carol Oates, Toni Morrison, Ernest J. Gaines, and Dianne McKinney-Whetstone. I also love reading the classics, especially Charles Dickens, and I'm a true crime buff so I have a ton of those.
I just wrote Nothing Else Mattered and my editor loved it. I'm going to self-publish it and, hopefully, it'll be ready for an August release. You can find more info on the novel here:
All the men and women fighting to protect this country.