Shelly profile picture


Sisters ~ I'm Shelly on the right

About Me

Here it goes... Mostly, I like to be happy. Things I like are music, dancing, hanging out and having a great time. I like to exercise, stay in shape, look and feel healthy. Family is important to me. At times I can be a grouch, but I do like people and like to make them feel happy and laugh a little. In certain situations I tend to be shy, but would rather not be...

Myspace Layouts at / Ship of dreams - Image Hosting

My Interests

Classic cars, Gardening, Real Estate

I'd like to meet:

That's a good question. I'd like to meet my best friend and sweetheart, about 40 (age is important to me), someone that is honest, independent, kind, masculine, good looking, has character, has a great personality, is passionate, has a sense of humor and likes to have fun! Someone who has experienced life, but not to the point that he has tried or done everything and can't enjoy life. I like a guy with style, a sense of fashion; a well groomed, clean cut man. He should take pride in his appearance and hygeine. We should share the same Interests and goals. I like nice arms, a sweet face and a nice body.WHO I DON'T WANT TO MEET...perverts, criminals, convicts, gays, users, verbal or physical abusers, gruby guys, creeps, freaks, fakes or superficial people or any other complex, weird, inconsiderate, insensitive odd balls.



Classic Rock, Hip Hop, New Country, Alternative Rock


Horror, Romance, Comedy and some Action


The News, CSI Miami, Regis & Kelly, Music Awards




My Savior Jesus, My MOM, My Daughter and Our Troops

My Blog

Rate my photo taken Yesterday 5/26/07

I went to the Sacramento County Fair.  Just click on my profile in the contact me square, click Rate.complacency:  1 : self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by unawareness of ac...
Posted by Shelly on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:22:00 PST


My back hurts so I'm going for a swim.   Well, I never did go for a swim today.
Posted by Shelly on Sun, 27 May 2007 02:17:00 PST