*`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* profile picture

*`- -»KoRiNa«- -´*

I am here for Friends

About Me

Heyy-My name is Korina, and I'm a 15/16 year old girl and I go to Southern Cayuga. I have brown hair, and hazel eyes, I'm 5'4", and I weigh 117lbs. I'm skinney, but not as skinney as I want. I'm 1/4 mexican, and I have 2 sisters, Doreen, and Belinda, and they both have MySpace, sites. :)

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:: HaVe YoU eVeR ::
spent the night at a boys house (not related) Yeaahh!
lied to your best friend Yes, I'm sorry.
had a crush on someone for over a year Yes!
slapped someone Not seriously, but jokingly.
gotten in a fight Yes.
had your heart broken Hell yeah, too many times. Lost count....
broke someones heart Yeh
been cheated on Lmao, God YeS!
cheated on someone Yes, but I was cheated on first.
been in love Yeah, it hurts.
liked someone soo much it made you cry Still do, still cry...
played spin the bottle Nope.
played truth or dare Yeahhh
kissed someone of the opposite sex Yes, actually 3 people only.
kissed someone of the same sex No.
kissed someone in the rain No.
liked someone who didnt like you back No.
fallen for a friend Yes.
had a boyfriend/girlfriend Yes, do now.
had a hard time getting over someone Yep.
gone out with someone youve only known for 3 days No.
been in a long distance relationship Yes.
seen someone naked Haha, yup.
kissed 2 people in the same day No.
had sex with 2 different people in the same day No.
made out with JUST a friend No.
done something you regret Something, how bout LoTs Of ThInGs.
been kissed Yes.
kissed your cousin Um... when I was little.
danced with someone you liked Yes.
been to a hotel party No.
wanted someone you knew you could NEVER have No.
played a game in a cemetary No.
broken a bone No.
went shopping and spent more than $1000 No.
been out of the country Yes, for a field trip only.
made a prank phone call No.
gotten in a car accident No.
stayed up all night Yes.
gone to church Yes.
drove a car Yes.
played a sport Yes.
been to a major baseball game No, it wasn't major. Just for SCCS.
been to a major football game ''
been to a major hockey game "
been to a major basketball game "
been to the beach Yes.
gone swimming in the ocean No.
been on tv, in a newspaper, or on the radio Yes, newspaper.
cheated on a test Yeaahh.
got suspended from school No, not yet. 3 more years to go.
failed a test Yes, plenty...
changed schools Yes, once.
skipped school Yes.
been in a school play No.
performed at a pep rally No.
smoked weed Yepperz.
gotten drunk Hell mutha' fuckin' yeah!
gotten arrested No.
gotten caught drinking Not by the cops, by mom, she found out.
gotten caught smoking Nope.
used your parents credit cards No.
lied to your parents Yesss...sorry Mom & Dad.
been intoxicated Yes....
done drugs I don't consider Pot a Drug. So no.
thought about commiting suicide Yes.
ran away from home No.
snuck out of the house No.
been to the hospital for you Yes.
stayed there overnight No.
cried in a public place Yes.
cried for no reason Yes...all the time.
cried when someone died Yes.
cried in school Yes.
made yourself throw up Yes, I was upset.
moved to a different house in the same town Yes.
moved to a different house in the same state Yes.
moved to a different state No.
taken public transportation Yes.

My Interests

Sex-lol, Beer, Vodka, Other alcohol, Kevin, My Friends, Family, Drawing, Poems, Music, Horror or Comedy movies, Shopping, Parties, AIM, ...

I'd like to meet:



Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, County, Rock, Oldies, Heavy Metal,...


Blue Streak:Saw:Cabin Fever:Thirteen:50 First Dates:The Whole Nine Yards: Big Daddy:Daddy Day Care:Match Stix Men:All Chucky Movies:Bruce Almighty:A Walk To Remember:Etc...


South Park:Family Guy:King Of The Hill:Sister Sister:That's So Raven:MTV:CMT:Ed, Ed, & Eddie:Etc...


I most deff. don't read much, but I love the books A Walk To Remember, and The Child Called IT.


Kevin Richard Gulliver*

My Blog


Hey people. I went and seen Doom last night at the movie theaters. I orginally went to see Saw II, but it was sold out, :(. Someone told us it sucked, to go see Doom, so we did. Doom was soo freaky, e...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Sat, 29 Oct 2005 09:13:00 PST

I gotta keep updating.

Hey Guys: Sorry I keep forgetting to update on this every once and awhile, and sometimes I'm just too lazy, so. What's been going on lately with everyone else? Nothing too much here with me, just part...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Fri, 28 Oct 2005 04:03:00 PST

Gotta work today...:(

Hey guys. Just me... I gotta work today, I don't wanna. But Mom made me! She said she was going to take my cell phone away if I didn't. She always does that... "If you don't go to work, you're losing ...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 12:05:00 PST

I'm bbaacck!

Heyy! What the fuck is going on? N2mhjc. I haven't been updating in a long time, I've partying thou! Lol. All these crazy ass parties....woohoo! Now I'm just madd fucking bored waiting for Kevin to ge...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Mon, 10 Oct 2005 11:29:00 PST


Hey Guys. What the hells been going on? N2mhjc. Well... I'll update on what I wrote last, even thou it was like a lot of days ago! Well the next day, he came up to me in lunch & we started talking...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Wed, 14 Sep 2005 01:08:00 PST

Horrible Day...

Hey Guys. Well an update for the last entry I wrote, I went to the state fair it was fun! Lol, thats about it. School started yesterday, the first day was awesome, & I loved it. Today... was horri...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Thu, 08 Sep 2005 12:00:00 PST

Wow... haven't updated in a while.

Hey guys! What the fucks going on? Nothing too much here. Just sitting here waiting for Kevin to come pick me up. I went to the State Fair with my mom, Aunt Coretta & my Grandma Smith. It's was co...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 12:05:00 PST


Hey Guys. I got the cell phone! Hiip Hiip! Sept it's already pissing me off, lol. If ya want my number it's *224-3674* Yeahha! NE ways. Just tellin' ya'll that I got it, lol. Well, there's nothing els...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Thu, 18 Aug 2005 06:15:00 PST

I'm getting a cell phone! Yipee!

Hey guys. Guess what? I'm getting a cell phone Thursday I can't wait. I've always wanted a cell phone, & now that I got a job I can actually get one! Hip Hip! I will tell you guys my number so you...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 01:09:00 PST

I got a job!

Hey guys! Guess what? I got a job, yay! I'm working at the Triangle Family Resturaunt! Today was my first day, made $35! Yeah, I worked with Stacy & then Lucie told her to call Kelsey to come help...
Posted by *`- -»KoRiNa«- -´* on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST