MY little man, Chicken Joe. Reading, libraries, Learning, reflecting, dreaming while awake, searching-&-finding the TRU nature of the histories-&-mysteries of the grand 'workings and plans of our human experience, exploring the world with my son, People who think for themselves, LIFE: on both the grand and minute scale. Music, dancing, good conversation, great food, REAL friends, being onstage, movement, stillness, meditation......There is so much to do, and only one life.
THe poor, the hurt, the trodden, the ones who got back up, and the ones who just need a friendly hand back up; THe kind, the healers, the ones that see, care and choose to do about what they see. The children of the world. Those who aren't afraid to be honest with themselves, others and the world around them; Those who seek and find TRUTH, and those with their own unique and beautiful power of THOHT. THem that can handle real conversation, about reality, perception, ideas, truths; you know, things that make most sheople in the HERd uncomfortable. THe learners and teachers, the laughing and the sad, those with something to say worth saying and those with ears to hear something worth hearing. THe friends i have yet to meet again, and those whom i haven't yet met for the first time. (If you read this far and are still here, then you too). I want to meet whomever i can help, learn from, build a real friendship with, etc... basically, those bright stars i come across who I can just appreciate being fellow humans with. ............................................................ ............................................................ ...............HERE IS A SITE THAT GIVES SIMPLE, HONEST AND SINCERE THOUGHTS ON OUR WORLD. ----- -----Do you have the time, to see what is coming for US and our children? Do you care? Will you know, do, learn and share; for the hope that your children might grow up in a world where their thoughts and dreams are there own???These are your choices.....use your voices before you have them NOT.
Baraka, Cosmic Journey-in Imax, Time-Wisdom-&-Esoterica(by Alan Watt), Coral sea dreaming, Endless summer 1&2, Where the day takes you, Malena, What dreams may come, (O.G.) Willy Wonka, What's eating Gilbert Grape,
Don't really like the telly....television was designed to influence, program(m-ing) and control the human mind. It turns off the ability to analyze and critically process what we see; and switches the brain from the analytical and critical thinking; to instead process what is seen in emotional and reactionary modes. Thus influencing our ideas and beliefs. Look up: MK Ultra...Rand corp...Tavistock inst...etc.
Cutting through the Matrix -by- Alan Watt...anything by Vonnegut, Kilgore Trout, Some Steven King, Madeline L'Engle, and Ken Kesey... The impact of science on society(Bertrand Russell)... The shape of things to come(H.G.Wells)... The next million years(charles Gaultin Darwin)... The new Atlantis(francis Bacon)... Platos'-Republic... Between two ages(Zbigniew. Brzezinski)... the Hidden Persuaders(Vance Packard)... Future Man(Brian StableFord)... Future Shock(Alvin Toffler)... Millenium(Jacques Attali)... The Ghost in the Machine(Arthur Koestler)... that's enough for now.
Heroes are for sheople who need someone to look up to. That said, My son is amazing!!