Modeling, Women, Men, and Music.
Anyone who like me for me and my work. Look I am a very simple guy, I eat sandwitches and pizza, but I work out like 3hours everyday. I would like to meet someone who knows about me not in the human form, but in the mental form. well I guess I just want somebody to understand who I am and would like hear me as I would like you hear you.
Gosh, well, EVERYTHING!!!!!
I dont watch Movies, I think Im sexier and more talented than all those tramps and Bastards. J/K they all have Talent, Im just Jealous because I want to be like them too.
TV, what is TV, I only have Eight hours to sleep, the rest of the day I am busy and dont have enough time to be watching TV, things that I have seen and liked are, The Simpsons, Seinfeld, That 70's Show and so forth, anything that will make me laugh.
The AnF Catalouge, American Eagle Catalouge and well target Catalouge I Had to do because I needed the money. The Davinci Code, Go ask Alice and Le Homme es Socailisme by Che!!!
The first male Model, Che Guevarra, Leonardo Da Vinci, any Outside thinker the USA wanted to kill and I can't forget who got me into Modeling, None other than my best friend, but I cant say his name or he will be madd at me, heres a clue adhskAafsjaaRafskjslTkajsgsldpeirjcl try to find the clue?