Co(s)mic Turtle profile picture

Co(s)mic Turtle

I am here for Friends

About Me

I live in Belgium and work as a stand up comedian.

My Interests

comedy, weaving, gourds, art, fantasy novels, history, politics

I'd like to meet:

People with both halves of their brain working.


counting crows, tori, the cure, rusted root, cher, alison krauss, tim mcgraw, izzy, k's choice, johny cash, walela, manson, fleetwood mac, howard shore, jewel, annie lennox, indigo girls, cat stevens, black lodge singers, creed, lynard skynard, REM, red hot chili peppers,


princess bride, labrynth, last unicorn, shrek, pride and prejudice, madeline, original willy wonka, fried green tomatos, ever after, 50 first dates, harry potter, bound, original star wars, star trek, indiana jones, LOTR, gamera, ghost in the machine, lilo and stitch, pirates of the caribean, michael moore, Big Labowski, Kung Fu Shuffle


scully and mulder x-files, murder she wrote, are you being served, simpsons, dr. who, futurama, malcom in the middle, miss marple, muppets, Buffy


anything by Stephen Gould, ditto Richard Dawkins, same for Bill Bryson and Jane Austin, "Jane Eyre," "The Princess Bride," LOTR, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, David Eddings, Anne McCaffery, Shermon Alexie, "The Year the Cloud Fell," Alice Hoffman, Ursula Le Guin, Hillerman, "The Life of Pi," the His Dark Materials series, "Abarat," Steven King's short stories, Timothy Zahn's Star Wars, CS Lewis, Howard Pyle, "The Black Cauldron," all things Arthurian including Mary Stewart, Howard Pyle, and Pamela F. Service's books, the Murder She Wrote series, ALICE IN WONDERLAND/LOOKING GLASS, "Fantastic Alice," Howard Zinn, Discworld, Neil Gaiman, JTHM, and Sandman comics.


my teddy bear, Mrs. Rupert. Even though I think she murdered her husband and is having an affair with my other bear, Mrs. Potter.

My Blog

well, that's it then

End of year and got my exam results back.I did pass french!!! more than passed in fact, got a B!!! And my final paper was so good in one class that the professors wanted to send a copy of it to the ar...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 01:55:00 PST

fucking tired

Alright, so I know I promised to keep in touch with all my friends in a more regular fasion. I'm sorry it hasn't worked out that way. But you try taking 8 courses in one semester and having to teach y...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 12:55:00 PST

another weird survey

1. EVER BEEN GIVEN AN ENGAGEMENT RINGnope2. LONGEST RELATIONSHIP?coming on six years now3. LAST GIFT YOU RECEIVED?my friend Franci gave me some cool beads4. EVER DROPPED A CELLPHONE?all the stinking t...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 02:44:00 PST

fuck it, I give up

I'm just so damn tired. I'm tired of being scared of what my friends will think. Of what my family will think. If my partner will leave me. And all over what? My ability to wear a dress? Makeup? Answe...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 02:23:00 PST

one more to go

Okay I've got one more exam to go - 16th century French. I don't expect to pass, but for someone who still can't speak any French I have learned how to read a fair chunk. The professor doesn't seem to...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 08:48:00 PST

mother fucking belgians

I'm so tired of the shit that goes on in the administration of this country and it's educational ministry!I was treated to a series of nice little comments today from a woman at the taalcentrum in gen...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:07:00 PST


My friend tim's mother died. She was a good woman. Took me in when I didn't have anywhere else to go after highschool. Didn't expect anything, never asked for anything. She was funny, smart, very ...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Wed, 07 Sep 2005 09:04:00 PST

good times

Sunday I had a rather shite gig at the Buster in Antwerp. But middle of the day there in Cultuurmarkt is always rather crummy, so it was to be expected. However, my friend Stef was ill, so I picked up...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 01:21:00 PST

what the fuck is wrong with me

I just don't know anymore. My partner's dad passed away. I had to go buy something to wear to the funeral thursday. And all I can do is think of Charlie. I'm such a dumb shit. "So we meet again!" ...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 05:46:00 PST

pointless questions

In the last 24 Hours have you... 1. Had sex: does it count if I was by myself? 2. Bought something: food 3. Gotten sick: no 4. Sang: let's see, Cure, Moby, Modest Mouse, Izzy's Over th...
Posted by Co(s)mic Turtle on Sun, 21 Aug 2005 11:03:00 PST