My dorky socially awkward weirdo amazing friends.
crack in my skull. ring in my ear. Sociology. meaning. reading. writing. ocean. music. keyboards. sounds. squishsquish. beach. disappearing. activation. yaris. typewriter. sincerity. wawa. supermarkets. intense stubborn-ness and challenges like the space shuttle. One time there was a car that looked like a space shuttle in front of my house. PSHfff. Murmels! swell lighting. fireflies. harboring teens/friends. symbolic interactionism. drastic changes in mood. yurts. bruises. Long board skateboarding. interactions. hoodies. headbands. Macs. writing on arms. visiting construction machines in the middle of the night. friends. dance parties. boardwalK. colors. sunshine. trees. nature. playing. not caring. romancism. conversations. bicycles. big square dog.
my brother's a scientist.
a little deer. preferrably in, outside, or on the way to 'yo, can we eat at Forte??'
i like a lot.
Search for U.S.S.R's Most Secret Animal. L'Auberge Espagnole. Body Rock & other sweet B/ C movies.
coffee in a catacomb.