...Then Tell That Bitch To Fight Me.
I moved to Germany when I was eight months old. I lived on an American Army Post near Nuremberg (called Vilseck, a place almost no one's heard of) Germany for the next 15 years...to be truthful it is about the only place I miss, as I've lived only 5 years of my life total away from Germany...oh well. Anyways, I then moved to a US Airforce Base, called Alconbury, in England, which in my opinion is the definition of hell on Earth, for four years. England is a wart on the nose of humanity. I hated it there more than I hate Dubya being in office. I now live in Boulder, Colorado; I've been here almost a year.
Also, if this profile pisses you off, I must be doing something right.
Oh, and FYI; My 4 pet peeves are: Kindness, Sobriety, Solid Foods, and George W. Bitch.
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