food, music, sex and movies.
anyone, anything. (but lets face it, mostly just single opposite sex who wants a real relationship mostly...)
Ana trolle, Lovage, Nouvelle Vague, Morcheeba, Portishead, Moloko, Marilyn Manson, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Anita O'Day, Peggy Lee, at 17, Diana Krall, The Dust Brothers, Norah Jones, Face to face, Sneaker Pimps, Ugress, The Beatles, Beethoven, Spoon, Johnny Cash, Bitter Sweet, Gnarls Barkley.
EVERYTHING...& i mean everything
Black books (UK sitcom), Top Gear, Death Notes, Heroes (on NBC), Alias (ended), 24 (been watching since season 1), Farscape (ended but love it), Family guy (luv the talking baby and the dog), Ghost in the shell - Stand alone complex (2 much subtitles but great philosophy), Bleach (another Dragon Ball Z) , Naruto (getting way better than Bleach), Full metal Alchemist (being ripped of by the CW current TV show Supernatural) , Samurai Shampoo (best sword fight in animation ever), Prision break (might learn something one day might be useful) , Supernatural (demons and vampires are just so much fun), Darker than Black (new anime like heroes but faster story line than "Heroes"- US), Claymore (surprising storyline and alot of character died),
2008- Neil Gaiman 's short stories and illusions.2007- Night Watch, Day Watch, Twilight Watch, (waitng for "Final Watch"1999 - 2004 ish- Philip K Dick's shorts stories, and Snow Glass Apple (snow white vampire version where the bad is good and the good is bad) and Harry Potter and The Chinese's 3 countries tale (c omic book style)-
I've sold me soul a long time ago.