Positive Traits:Active, alert ,imaginative, inquisitive, intuitive, inventive, resourceful, and venturesome. Depend on the me to get things moving. I'm always in a constant mental activity!!! Even when I appear to be resting, be assured my mind is working full speed. Most often I am devising a scheme to earn the most money with the least work!!!What I lack in competence, I more than make up for with quick-thinking. Trust me to make it through the maze to the cheese.
I, however, am really a private person and, despite appearances, only allow a few people into my inner circle. For them, I will do almost anything. For everyone else, it's just business.Negative Traits:Crafty, critical, edgy, greedy, high strung, impertinent, manipulative, ostentatious, reckless and stingy.Speaking of charm, my do I use it. I am adept at gaining your confidence and learning your secrets while holding on to my own.I am great at turning on the charm and manipulating people. Why even bother finding your way through the maze when you can get others to go fetch the cheese?Because I am constantly in my heads, Iam often edgy and easily agitated. Getting along with people is no problem for me but make no mistake about it, I do not tolerate incompetence.