ladyfriends, dancing, adult beverages, discovering new music, going to shows, playing soccer for fun and exercise, apple, digg, wikipedia, Wii and DS, enjoying food, among all other crazy things
friends of friends. fat cats who sleep on your tummy. people bursting at the seams with passion. people who can sew. straighforward people. people who aren't jaded. someone with a ferret.
someone with a secret...
someone who is crazy
someone to hold hands with
someone with moves this good
oh, and milky.
The Science of Sleep, Me and You and Everyone We Know, Garden State, American Beauty, Big Fish, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Pumpkin, Secretary, Forest Gump, SE7EN, 28 Days Later, The Last Samurai, Star Wars, The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, Road to Perdition, Closer, Memento, Run Lola Run, Requiem for a Dream, Goonies, Titus, Cold Mountain, Donnie Darko (Director's Cut), all the Pixar movies (especially Finding Nemo), The Emperor's New Groove, Nightmare Before Christmas, Fight Club, Mystic River, Good Will Hunting, The Princess Bride, Before Sunrise, Before Sunset, Gattaca, Minority Report, Cast Away, Transformers, The Sandlot, all things Wallace and Gromit, Brokeback Mountain, The March of the Penguins, Crash, Cruel Intentions, Cinderella Man, Amelie, Shortbus, Borat, Blood Diamond, Pan's Labyrinth, NIght Watch, The Fifth Element, Code Red, Code Red 2: Fusion
The Office, South Park, Planet Earth, House, Heroes, Project Runway, Nip/Tuck, 30 Rock, Battlestar Galactica
In The Blink Of An Eye, The Conversations, Catcher in the Rye, Harry Potter, Calvin and Hobbes, The Giving Tree, Wired Magazine
my dad, my sisters
Ben Gibbard
Michel Gondry
Shigeru Miyamoto
Jonathan Ive
Albus Dumbledore
Optimus Prime
Sacha Baron Cohen