My iNtErEsTs ArE : I lOvE To gO To thE MoViEs, BoWlInG, pLaY PoOl, Go oUt tO PaRtIeS, sPeNd tImE WiTh mY FrIeNdS aNd tO ReAd mAnGa aNd pSiCoLoGiCaL oR InStRuCtIvE BoOkS
Milkshake by Kelis
"My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right it's better than yours
I could teach you
But I have to charge"
You can work it! And you started a new trend or two in 2004!What type of food best reflects your personality?
your a tootsie pop! Why? your shy on the outside, but your true friends know how great you are underneath. you usually like things quiet, but you do know how to have a good time! stay sweet, tootise pop, inside and out!
Your love is...
Your name is...
Your kiss is... delicious
Your hugs are... gentle
Your eyes... burn into my heart
Your touch is... heart warming
Your smell is... beautiful
Your smile is... entrancing
Your love is... everlasting
What type of spirit do you have? 6 detailed results! pixYour spirit is fierce and strong, like fire. you do not let anyone get away with it, in fact you make sure they deal with the consequences. You are not what someone would call cunning, but in no way shape or form are you dumb. You have charisma that draws others near to you, your personality wouldnt change for the emperor of the world. You are who you are and like it that way, no one will tell you differently. You are very sarcastic and almost intimidating, and even a little scary sometimes. Your spirit is one of a great warrior or leader because of your ferocity, perserverence and charisma.It is not easily put out, and very dominating and almost reckless at times. You can be very blunt when having an argument or when trying to fix a problem. When angered Color:RedWhat you are made out of: FireAnimal: Lion.You are a special person, a born leader full of energy and enough fire for the rest of us. Try not to be too scary or intimidating, sometimes all people need is a push instead of a smack!
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What Kind Of Goddess Are You?
by blackcherry123
Goddess Type Water Goddess
Dress Color Blue
Hair Color Red
Special Power Water Manipulation
What's your personality like? (detailed +stylish banners)Extrovert/CharmingMake place for the queen/king! Even if you don't know it, you have a aura attracing people to you. You're the diamond amongst thieves! Hanging with the popular crowd or not, be sure that there are lots of people that secretly envy you for your charm or, why not, other qualities of yours.You can sometimes be very competitive or challenging and unknowwingly 'work' people to get to your goal, so watch out or you might me thought as shallow!Anyhow, you laddie, rock big time!
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What kind of clothes will you wear to fight and what kind of powers do you have by Tsukaei
the kind of clothes you would wear is slutty clothing
weapon claws
powers flame
what happens to your clothes when you fight ruined
Specie bird/human
I'd like to meet:
*hEy eVeRyOnE iF YoU WaNt tO RaTe mY PiCtUrE jUsT ClIcK On iT AnD It wIlL OpEn a WeB pAgE sO ThAt YoU CaN RaTe mE. rIgHt UNtiL nOw ThE hIgHeSt rAtInG ThAt i hAvE GoTtEn iS 8.5 !!! ThaT mEaNs tHaT I HaVe bEeN RaTeD 83 % mOrE HoTtEr tHaT ThE OtHeR GiRlS On tHIs WeB SiTe. ThAnK YoU AlL fOr rAtInG mE xOxOxO mUuUaAa !
I LoVe tO ReAd AnD My fAvOrItE BoOkS ArE fRuItS bAsCkEt, cHrOnO CrUsAdE, VaNdReAD, eL PrInCiPe, ReNe dEsCaRtEs , La mEtAmOrFoSiS ... aNd yEt aGaIn sO On aNd sO On ...