Send a Dozen Roses at
Art- acrylic and oil painting, drawing, scratch art. Writing - poetry, inspirational and short stories.
Crafts - bead work, macrame.
Fishing, camping, baking, computer games,
stained glass, spun glass, hand blown glass, movies,
dancing, listening to music, reading the bible,
art shows, museums,galleries, and traveling.
Which Chocolate Bar Are You?
Bounty Your quite sensitive, and can be quite quiet. But on the other hand, you can also be quite lively, and bouncy, but still have a bit of sensitivity lurking around :-D
Food-Drink Quizzes
Kate and Leopold Your romantic, and funny. Your a little bit of every time period, making yourself interesting, who said you were limited just to the 21st century??
Television-Movies Quizzes
I'm interested in getting to know people in all walks of life. Status, income, country, age, female or male, race, country, religion, looks, ability or disability, etc. doesn't matter. I believe in being a true friend.
I will not add those with cussing, nudity, or talking about drugs. There are kids that visit myspace. So please keep it clean people.
Also I will not add role players, they are nothing but identity thieves. They do not respect or care about the entertainers, because if they did they would respect them enough to not pretend to be them.)
Friendship Myspace Comments
Save The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!
Click here to post this on your page or 'blog
May our friendship last forever;
May I sail upon your sea.
May we go through life together;
May there always be a "we."
May I be your endless sky;
May you breathe my gentle air.
May you never wonder why
Each time you look for me, I'm there.May we be for each a smile
Like the warm, life-giving sun;
Yet when we're in pain awhile,
May our suffering be one.May we share our special days,
The happiness of one for two;
And if we must go separate ways,
Let my love remain with you.poem by Nicholas Gordon
I like christian , classic oldies, country, rock, and classical. All my friends music.
Christian Myspace Comments
If we call ourself a christian, we should love the Lord with all our heart and strive to act like Christ did and it should be easy for us to follow these laws....
Christian MySpace Graphics
Christian MySpace Graphics
Family means a lot to me. And I am glad that God gave me the Brother he did. This is for you Bud.
"Of all the creatures, man is the most detestable. Of the entire brood, he's the one that possesses malice. He is the only creature that inflicts pain for sport, knowing it to be pain. The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creature that cannot."
- Mark Twain -
American Novelist
One voice does count!! By signing a petition you can make a difference in the life of a animal or other worthy causes. Please visit - a hero, report any abuse to animals, or to people.
Signs of abuse - it is violence such as hitting, kicking, throwing, pushing,beating,setting on fire,mutilation.
Also there is emotional abuse - someone yelling, screaming at another person or animal. Putting someone down emotionally is abuse.
There is also sexual abuse - someone making another person or animal to have sex when they do not want it.
Abuse is someone doing any type of harm to people or to animals ... physically, sexually or emotionally.Be a voice for those that cannot speak for themselves, and for those that are too afraid to speak. Please report abuse!!
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