Sir John Reid Hatchporch has been writing and recording music for over a decade. After receiving a Yamaha 4-track recorder for his 15th birthday in 1992, he began writing his own songs. Loathing his own voice, his first few songs were instrumentals, but at the suggestion of a good friend, he began writing songs with lyrics. Playing all the instruments himself, he recorded a 15 track album entitled "Salesman Of Love" (the worst album title in history). "Salesman" alternated between folky, emotional pop and more minimalist, antiquarian fare...with a dash of punk rock for good measure. Within the next year, two more albums followed: "Talking House" and "Emotional Exorcism." These two albums were more fully fleshed out and stylistically went all over the map. In a review of his albums for the high school newspaper, a friend rather generously claimed Sir John's music sounded "like The Beatles if they had made music in the '80s."
After attending university from 1995-1999, Sir John's writing slowed down considerably, and in the early 2000's, he found himself only occasionally penning short instrumental fragments. After a friend gave him a copy of N-Track Studio, he did not compose any new tunes, opting instead to half-heartedly re-record a few of his older tunes.
All that changed in the summer of 2004, when Sir John began the recording of "So I Die," a piece that he had begun penning around seven years earlier but had never finished. His style was now much more overtly synthpop/new wave-oriented...the closest thing to his ideal that he had ever laid down. Other songs followed, and soon, Sir John found himself working on an emotional synthpop concept album, tentatively titled "Quarter-Life Crisis." All recordings are now done on his computer, using N-Track studio, primitive Casio and Yamaha keyboards, guitars, basses and a very basic MIDI program for programming drumbeats. All instruments are played live.
Sir John has several projects lined up following the completion of his synthpop album. He plans to record a more rock/power pop oriented album this summer as well as a "weird album" sometime in the future. Sir John has many other exciting, strange project ideas as well, and suggests that his audience stay tuned and expect the unexpected...