every time i cough she comes and dusts my balls off... ohhh yea i am interested in looking for people to kick some emo ass! lets give them a reason to bitch,complain, and cry!
any1 who smokes crack
outa a can in a van down by the river on a diet of government cheese.. oh yea the female gremelon, shes hot!
my future wife
my followers
Old school punk! You just say what you have to say
regardless of what everyone else thinks!
You're one of my most favourite types of
music... You're raw and uncut! You're
surrounded by hype...just don't let it make
you go insane...
What genre of rock are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
if there was a god it would be music. mix some DJ Assault with ESHAM and a little taste of HIM, let us not forget Wesley Willis!
yea i have made a few. but then again my life is a mix between a movie of the week and a cheep porno. stoops! i love any movies with serenity or jenna jameston in it. and i love quinton terintino movies also. oliver stone is da bomb, and how the fuck can u forgett about the evil dead and army of darkness? and any of the crusty deamons of dirt videos, they r bombdiggity.
i got to give a shout out to my boy and yours sponge bob! hellz yea and some schit. if patric from sponge bob was on seinfeld there would be world pece. and anything on PBS....cuz im a broke ass that dosent have cable. shit when u got 5 channels u arnt very picky!
books? arnt thows them things that have words but no sound? booring no thanx.
dude did u just call me a go bear u r a gay were?. TEXTthe life of a crack whore