Extremely eclectic tastes. My music collection covers everything from jazz and progressive rock to singer-songwriters, taking in most genres inbetween. For someone who has a degree in popular music I am scandalously out of touch with what is happening in the chart world but can name any number of obscure bands and artists. Current favourites include - Tori Amos, Natalie Merchant, Howie Day, Jennifer Terran, Yes, Tenfold Loadstar, Sparklehorse...
Escapism - I think that is the key to a good film. I generally like my films fantastical and lighthearted. Highly recommend Hot Fuzz - especially if you liked Shaun of the Dead.
I do not own a television at the moment and I like it that way.
I adore books and will read pretty much anything that is presented to me. My one request is that the book takes me somewhere I haven't already been, whether it be a physical, spiritual or emotional place - that journey is important to me. We have too much of reality everyday. Favourite authors include Neil Gaiman, Sebastian Faulkes, Margaret Atwood, Terry Pratchet...