I'm Keeley, Kiri, Mist. I have been called many different names in my short lifetime. Feel free to try and make me a new one.
I am an artist, and the world, the people around me, and myelf is my canvas. Just about anything artistic or crafty I do as one of my many hobbies. I dance, I am learning to spin fire, I draw, I sew, I sing and play instruments, I am a makeup artist, I create. I am always interested in meeting and conversing with other creative and enlightened people. So don't be afraid to say hi.
I am 100% prejudice free. What you look like, who you hang out with, and what your religion is will NEVER be what I base my opinion of you on.
Chances are, we'll get along. I'm pretty open.
Right now, I would really love to have a mutually beneficial relationship, where neither party is too horribly controlling of the other. I'm tired of being walked all over, cooperation would be great. :)
By the way, if all you ever type in is chatspeak please take your blasphemies upon written languages elsewhere. It's only cool in moderation.
Kthxbai. 3