Tennis, fishing, golf, motorcycling, bicycling, video production, multimedia, theater, improvizational comedy, darts.
People with likewise aforementioned teefers.
Things with a beat.
Blazing Saddles ("I didnt get a harumph outa you", "Baby please! Im not from Havanna!").
Wedding Crashers.
Pirates of the Carribean ("Im in the market").
Saving Private Ryan (that whacky gun scene).
Yellow Beard
Madeline Kahn: "Remember that nite we were havin a little cuddle?"
Yellowbeard: "I was rapin ya if thats what you mean."
Madeline Kahn (rolling eyes): "Alright alright... half rape half cuddle."
Something About Mary ("We've got a bleeder!")
Batman (Jack Nicholson as the Joker: "Never mess with another man's rhubarb")
Brave Heart, The Patriot, Dances with Wolves
I'm not a big reader. I prefer to wait for the Lindsay Wagner made-for-TV movie to come out.