Movies, music, journalism, art, theatre, literature, clubbing, progressive trance, satire, long drives, skiing, having a good time in general.
Someone who's willing to try anything once (& some things twice), with an off-the-wall sense of humour, a vast knowledge of quotable pop culture, and a willingness to make a fool of themselves on the dancefloors of the world (or anywhere else).
I'm looking for someone to talk with, not down to or up at. I'm looking for someone who appreciates the sometimes-necessary grimness of life, but also has optimism to spare.
Someone who, like me, runs at absolute maximum burn in most aspects of their life and doesn't care about the consequences very much.
Comments, suggestions, insults, recipies? Count to ten, and fling them at [email protected] on MSN Messenger.
Air, Beastie Boys, Carl Cox, Dave Ralph, Enya, the Flaming Lips, Goldfrapp, hardbop jazz, INXS, Jamiroquai, Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Moby, New Order, Orbital, Pet Shop Boys, Queen, Royksopp, Scissor Sisters, Tosca, Underworld, Paul Van Dyk, The Who, `X-Static' by the Foo Fighters, You Am I, ZZ Top and a whole lot more!
Pretty much anything except country and western, metal, or yodelling.
Heat, LOTR, Star Wars trilogy, X-Men, The Truman Show, Sneakers, Amelie, Enigma, Run Lola Run, Field of Dreams, Die Hard, Yellow Submarine, the Blues Brothers, Big Trouble in Little China, Coming to America, Predator, and many many more.
Don't really watch TV much these days - I swore off it to get through Year 12, and never really went back. I was a huge Babylon 5 fan for a time, but not so much any more. Of what's on today, I've liked The Office, Lost, the Amazing Race, Big Brother, Coupling, Teachers, Black Books, Numb3rs, Third Watch, The Apprentice, Creature Comforts, Family Guy, American Dad, Chappelle Show, My Name Is Earl...
Lord of the Rings (though perhaps I should give Narnia another go, just for a sense of Balance), Harry Potter, anything by Chuck Palanuihk, early Tom Clancy, The Surgeon of Crowthorne, Sweet Liberty - Travels in Irish America, Holding the Key, Down and Out in Paris and London, Nickel and Dimed, Black Hawk Down, The Consolations of Philosophy, Fit To Print: Inside the Canberra Press Gallery, You Gotta Play Hurt, The Shipping News and anything else by E. Annie Proulx...