CONSCIOUSNESS. CLARITY. YOGA [swara, nada, pranayama, astanga, general purification&contortion]. ZEN practice, life practice. SEICHO.US/HEARE - a project utilizing the beneficial propeties of audio wave vibrations. WORK entails random acts of sanity management for Naked Rhythm and astanga **Mon 7PM @** QT with my luvvie, Marc, who is a fuckin' gem. Also back in UNI to complete my phil degree. Oh yeah - and of course eka pada sirsasana.
people i extract things from. people who extract things from me. people who aren't soul-less, mindless idiots, consuming whatever the corporations feed them. on the flipside, those who do swallow that noise, in efforts to broaden lives -- including mine. people who do good things, creative things, help themselves, help others, think outside their minds, retreat inside their minds. teach me something.
.sound.ahanata nada.noise..ical.experimental.environmental.
umm...... 1998 DMC championships? don't watch many
makes you fat and cancerous.
HHtDL, anything on any yoga [THE yoga... not just what the west has capitalized on and misconstrued to be yoga], consciousness, health, modulations.
my brother paul - he's fuckin' hilarious.