DRUNK ? Better not pass out......your friends might take a photo of you, and then it will end up here......
Please bear with us, as this was just started December 6, 2006, so if you get a friend request, just know that the pic's are coming........the more people we have the more pics we can get. So add me......And add a pic
At this time this site is only moderated on weekdays, So if you post a comment over the weekend, don't worry it should appear on monday morning.....well that is if its worthy of being here.
all text comments will be deleted, I want pic's only please. You can place captions, that is fine. Just know all text comments WILL BE DELETED. Since no one is really posting any good pic's right now I will be accepting pic's from a comment hosting sites. Just know that this pic's will not be in the running for the TOP TEN.-thanks
Hall of Shame top ten. As this site progresses there are gonna be pics placed into a top ten catagory. If your pic is good enough, you will be asked to email that pic to the moderator, in order to be permanetly placed on the site.