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About Me

hi, my life revolves around the ocean, i have been a surfer for 41 years,and still ride-ing a shortboard. i am also a captain of a commerical fishing vessle, i fish for sea scallops and have doing that for 30 years,i love to travel and have visted 21 diffrent countries,and 2 united state's territories mostly thur out south and central america, and the carribean,mainly to surf also i have lived in costa rica,and spend 6mos. a year in colombia where we have a second job has taken me up and down the eastern seaboard, and alaska.i met my wife who is a colombian in costa rica,we have to sons. i am totally bilingual in spanish, i love meeting and talking to new people everybody has a story to tell.and i also love to pass on my knowledge to anyone who is willing to learn. life is good i try to live it to its fullest!!!una vida pura es chimba!!! pura vida!! @


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My Interests

surfing, sportfishing,and xsports,football,baseball,and soccer(colombian national team and nacional from medellin )and traveling,chillin out on the beach,horseback riding,reading books,wacthing bullfigths in colombia.

Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

jerry lopez (pipeline master) martin daly(captain of the indies trader) indo surf charthers,laird hamilton (big wave surfer and innovator of tow-in surfing)greg noll(the bull)( big wave pioneer)robert august(shaper, and star of endless summer 1) lance armstrong,juan pablo montoya(race car driver from colombia)juan valdez.


rock and roll, motown, salsa,cumbias and some hip hop and funk,any thing that will bring to your feet.i love the latin sounds,some of my favorites are: shakira, juanes,nelly furtado,alexandro sans, carlos vives. also i listen to some country music, sugarland is a big favorite!


surf dvd,s- pipeline masters,endless summer1+2,riding giants,step into liquid,the search,ULU32,better days,the september sessions,momentum 1+2,surfer journals sufer bio,s and great waves,puerto underground 1,2,3, laird the boys of dogtown.


HBO(series the soprano's (jersey boy here!) rome ,the wire) military chn. discrovery chn.court tv animal plante VH1,national geographic chn,


bio,s,anything on surfing,vietnam war books, military history. ..


the men and woman in our military,navy seals(they do the job nobody wants), us coast guard,fire and rescue. Pipeline Masters Final
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My Blog

70 degress in n,j. in january

hi, wow what a beautiful day here in cape may  air temp rigth now is in the 70,s what the hell is going on  some say its global warming ours say its el nino i dont know but i like the effect...
Posted by capt.mike on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 08:27:00 PST

cold waves!!

today was a good one finally got wet waves where good 4-6ft got a few barrels , water temp wasnt to bad , you need a 5m but thats surfing in new jersey in the winter, santa was good to us just a few o...
Posted by capt.mike on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 09:19:00 PST

another nice day

hi , well a another nice day weather wise here ,but you can feel the change a little colder than yesterday, but cant complain,  last nigth my niece and her new husband and new born baby, came out...
Posted by capt.mike on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 05:37:00 PST

friends and weather

hi, well lets see i made some new friends today so thats a plus, boy this holiday thing is so stressful man why can,t this  be in july when everybody has extar cash , fishing is so slow rigth now...
Posted by capt.mike on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 02:34:00 PST

good weather!

well today was a very nice day here great weather for dec in the north east i did some sport fishing today , very good day on the water. i also work on my space profile. adding pics just learning my w...
Posted by capt.mike on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 03:40:00 PST