'Day Of Transformation' is a seventy minute concept album, the concept being the aforementioned day, of glorious ambience. Influence came less from a sound but more from a feeling. A feeling which only a small number of albums/songs have ever managed to give me, a feeling that I call 'Glory'. A feeling that makes me raise my hands to the sky and think, as the 'Boo Radleys' once so eloquently put it, 'everything's alright forever'.
The songs here tend to have a melodic and beautiful sound, whilst still mixing in other more dark atmospheric soundscapes. Necessarily, for to me gloom and rain are just as beautiful as swathes of sunlight. Each composition is like an accompaniment for a beautiful picture. Sunrise, gloom, windswept meadows, golden carpets of sky, twilight, eternity.'Songs for the Ascent' is an EP, and the follow up release to 2006's 'Day of Transformation'. Beginning where the album left off, it retains a similar feeling, and expresses the same depth of being, whilst sounding even more atmospheric and subtle.Sorry that the soundclips here are such low quality. Myspace seems to have something against artists who have tracks longer than 4 minutes, as well as anyone who uses punctuation in their song titles.
If you want to download any of my stuff in in higher quality mp3 format, you can get it at - www.mp3.com.au/leepaxton - or head to my account on Mediafire ,
or it's available from me on Soulseek - Username: Packo.
Also, if you're interested in hearing my other projects, please check out my site - www.thehouseofclouds.co.nr -
I'd also be grateful for any comments you have on my music, whether positive or negative (try and be constructive 'ey kids).
Oh, and if you wouldn't mind refraining from posting whopping great pictures in my comments, I'd be grateful, again.Gripe no.2: It'd be helpful if you leave a short message upon adding me as I have at least a few people on my friends list of whom I have no idea why they added me.