I'm fairly easy and can have a go at almost anything...although hopefully it won't land me in the hospital, but that's a risk-benefit analysis question, it might be worth it.
Wow...I've met some of the people I've always wanted to meet, mostly performers -- Martina McBride, Tracy Byrd, Carolyn Dawn Johnson, Ted Nugent, Bruce Jenner (I think only the "old folks" will know who he is)...and DUKE the Bush Baked Beans Dog (he's a fave of mine)....but some of the people I'd still like to meet are (again, mostly performers) -- George Straight, Jack Nicklaus, Neil Armstrong, the guys who are Linkin Park, Judas Priest...and probably most unusually (probably none of y'all know who he is) Chris DeBurgh
Okay...here goes....the simple statement is "anything but gangsta rap"....otherwise, I like music that spans the spectrum, from classical to heavy metal, to (a bit of) pop and certainly (most) country. I like music -- It's kinda a reflection of our souls as humanity and so as long as it's good, I'll like it.
Like 'em a lot...seen thousands...own hundreds....good ones and bad ones....too numerous to name.....so just pop the corn, grab a drink, and let's do it.
Like some...don't like a lot....have even been known to watch the "surgery channel" sometimes (when I had a dish)....funny, the crap you learn when you see a human body opened up....don't watch TV as much as I used to, but I still surf the channels every so often.
Again...too numerous to give a good list of....generally they fall into the categories of (1) my Dad, rest his soul; (2) the brave who have given life, limb and sacrifice in the defense of our nation and fighting our wars; (3) the brave who has the passion and wisdom to form this nation the way they did (which includes the brave people who have helped shape it along the way); (4) anyone I learn of who has demonstrated true Valor.