no'oukou 'uhane profile picture

no'oukou 'uhane

We'll miss you Grandpa J.

About Me

"One day you are going to wake up and realize how much you care about her. And when that day comes, she'll be waking up next to the guy that already knows.."

My Interests

The Top Ten1. My boyfriend rocks. His name is Michael. I love him and you should too. 2. If I had a grill...I'd go with Now-and-laters, gum drops, and jelly beans. 3. I've been a fan of the gym lately with McMeller. She's lookin' ah real fresh. I'm still workin' on it. I'm using Kanye's workout your salad, no dessert. 4. My friend Alison just got married....I was a bridesmaid and it was great..... she moved back from Michigan just to see my cute face every day and she makes me the best chippers ever. 5. I love to dance....cause I got too much booty in the pants. 6. I drive a bug...are you in the VW club? Turbo's only please. 7. Jimmy eat world is the best band ever and always will be. Don't even get me started. 8. I have two wiener dogs and I took only ONE, yes one, of them to the grocery store yesterday with Michael. Guess which one I took and get a prize. 9.I have a swoop you know what that means?!?!? 10. I rock.

I'd like to meet:

Rev Run...katomate! Already met my love, but go pet my Kuzko...he's nice.


Just let me see your grill....and then we'll talk.


Cartoons are my favorite. Like "Emporers New Groove"... if you have not experienced this great phenomenon, you must STOP reading this stupid profile AT ONCE and go purchase this movie...not rent, but PURCHASE. If you make the mistake of renting, you will be drowned in late fees for life while you clench the video in your little hands refusing to ever give it back. I am happy to also announce that Melohnie has FINALLY experienced Anchorman and Super Troopers with us...two of the funniest movies I have ever seen in my entire life....meow.

adopt your own virtual pet!


Who's house? Run's house....funny shit I tell ya. Desperate Housewives every Sunday just to be reminded how cool it is to be normal. MTV so I can learn cool new dance moves like "drop down and get your eagle on, girl". American Idol so I can sing like a rockstar while busting out the new moves I just learned from MTV. Deal or No'll be on the edge of your seat. It's intense. Grey's Anatomy...good lord it is GREAT. And the best of all...LAW AND ORDER! The best show on television, fo' shizzle. Criminal Intent might be the best of the series just because Vincent D'Nofrio acts so freakin' wierd.


Anything big and heavy so I can throw it at someone.


8 lb 6 oz baby Jesus, My parents, and All my friends who are doing so well in life. Lot's of love.