The Gear : threes a charm |
Well i dont know much about drums. Seriously i know thatthere a a few things you hit real hard with ticks that can be more or less hard....
very complicated...
Jon R's drumkit is impossible to... Posted by Roger's Conspiracy on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 08:10:00 PST |
Recording |
Great news for people of my band and amateurs of it as well. Two nights ago, while slightly drunk with a few friends, I managed to book a producer for a 10 song CD to be recorded in the last week of J... Posted by Roger's Conspiracy on Thu, 26 Jun 2008 08:18:00 PST |
Part 1 of the Gear - Alex |
In case anyone out there was wonderin what we used to make our music, i figuered it would be a cool idea to sorta catalogue all the stuff we use, starting with me (Alex)
My peice of shit Yamaha F-310 ... Posted by Roger's Conspiracy on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 09:03:00 PST |
The Gear: part deux |
Well it just would'nt be the same without Marc, and i know guitar stuff i'll cover him next. Marc's sound is not really based around rythm but mostly stays around geeky effects and weird sounds. The r... Posted by Roger's Conspiracy on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 09:07:00 PST |