Trevor Silent profile picture

Trevor Silent

Ad Augusta per Angusta

About Me

This page has been created to show my works as a musician.
I like dark music, dark rainy days, dark clothes, snow, mountains, 7-string guitars, Traditional writers. Horror films can also be a great source of inspiration...
I currently play the guitars in the Dark Metal band Maelström - /
I've also played with the German gothic metal/industrial project Ferment, and composed several synths, guitars and also some lyrics for them..
I've added some new songs and a couple of songs by Maelström. Please note that all songs featuring on this website are copyrighted. "Modern Slaves" and "The Glance at an Illusion" were writen by me and Miles Stone. "Cities in Dust" was writen by me, Kai Devin (Abbadona) and Miles.
If you enjoyed the songs on this website and like to exchange ideas about a kind of music that explores new artistic territories, fell free to contact me.
"It is eleven o'clock on the clock of the Universe: the Door is open and the elect are invited."

My Interests

I'd like to meet:


Fields of the Nephilim, Dimmu Borgir, Fear Factory, Deathstars, Zyklon, Arcturus, Old Man's Child, Moonspell, Depeche Mode, Univers Zero, Maelström...