ooo this is a hard 1! dont think i got enough room lol... ...k i like rpg's (role play games) on ps2 xbox etc etc... i like to watch movies fantasy and occult type although you cant beat a good horror! come to think of it i like comedies to! hell i think i might jus' like movies! lmao! :D i LOVE spending time with my mates weather its out on the "piss" or jus' sittin in a bedroom playin computer games ALL WEEKEND! lol (YEA! you know who you are!) lmao :D
...People would be a good start i suppose lol umm.. i dunno friends i guess :D
DUDE! my "muzik" is a bit eclectic an random! lol but my fav is probably R.E.M but i am a big fan of green day an papa roach, linkin park hold a special place in my heart to! lol radio head NEED mentionin (in a good way)... DONT box me in! or classify me for what you see here! i dont judge an i expect the same!
donnie darko! o yea! lol the craft, tank girl! bill and ted lol (both movies!) final fatasy; the spirits within, umm... i dunno i know i LOVE more than this lol i WILL update... soon! :D
well... i used to watch buffy the vampire slayer but they finished that lol i watch 24... dint think i really watch that much tv... mtv2 gets used a lot lol kerrang etc...
im a bit ashamed to say it but i dont read books... :S i wish i had the time/patients lol its not really for me but 1 day i will read a 1000 page book i PROMISE!
my friends! for some of the shit i have given them an all the other stuff we have had to put up with over the years... thanx!