Intricate Unit is unlike any music or person in the industry. There is always a need for a dark yet meaningful music to inspire and entertain generations. Too many bands today are primarily concerned with wrinting that ONE song that will make them big - they make their money and that's it - their out - they don't want to stay in. The music of Intricate Unit is pure and written from the heart of one person, accompanined by a live band. Goals of the music and band include: Making listeners aware of the thoughts and ideas of the core writer, Mr. Ben Kopec. Ideas include society's disparity and double-standards. If Intricate Unit makes a difference in one person's life, then the goal has already been met, but why stop there? I hope even you, the reader, will find the music of Intricate Unit as enlightening as the fans have. Intricate Unit is still a young band but is constantly evolving.
DJ Nitez
Launch of www.BenKopec.com
Ben Kopec of Intricate Unit has just announced his new Film, TV, and Game Music website. It is as simple as: www.BenKopec.com. This new website features the instrumental music of Ben Kopec. If you or anyone that you know are looking for music for your production, contact Ben at: [email protected]
New Web Site Addresses....... Not onlywww.IntricateUnit.com but also at www.IUnit.us
Check back in at the web site for updates!
..Contact Table