*mEEtiNg nEw pEoPLe*, *HaViNg FRiEnDz*, *cLuBBin'*, *gOiNg tO MaLLs*, *gOinG tO pArTiEs*, *giMMicKs*, *giRLs NiGhT OuT*, *PeRfUmEs*, *sHop tiLL i dRop*, *BeAuTy SaLoN*, *EaTing*, *cHoCoLaTeS* and *sWeeTS* *iCe cReaM* *coFFee*..., *faShion*, *mObiLe pHoNeS*, *MaKe-uP*, *KiKaY StUffS*, *PiNk stuffs*, *hAnGiNg oUt wiTh frIeNds*!!! *sLeepiNg* *taLk to fRieNds oVeR tHe pHonE* *soUnD3p*, aNd *BoYs???* heHe... *wiNk*
OLD AND NEW FRIENDS... im easy to get along with as long as your true to yourself and to others... I dont FLIRT, I make friends...so if you think you can easily get me through your sweet nothings..youre damn wrong...I could be a nice biatch to yah but thats it! nothin more beyond that =)I hate those people who are TRYIN HARD to be someone they would never be...I hate people who make other people feel bad about themselves...Get your own life! People would hate me because I am ME...who cares?! cuz I DONT...try to live with your own life and IL live mine...yeah, im suplada..hu cares..dis is d real me! well if you dont like me then BoUnCe!!!if you wanna get to know more shit bout me then add me up..just keep it real and take it eZ...., got that?!
*ceRtiFied muSic LoveR* aNy soNg tHat suiTs my peRsonaLity and my m0od.., ",
*2fAst 2fuRious* *tHe faSt aNd tHe fuRioUs* *u goT sErVed* *briDal shoWer* *50 fiRst dAtes* *MeAn GiRLs* *a waLk to reMembeR* *legaLLy bloNde* *bRiNg iT oN* *sLeepOveR* *LOTR trilogy* *MaTriX TriLoGy* *saVe tHe Last daNce* *mY beStfRieNd's weDDiNg* *TeXas cHaiNsaW maSSacRe* *mAiD iN maNhaTTan* *caTwoMan* *so cLoSe* *HoW to LosE a guY iN 10 daYs* aNd loTs moRe paH...
*sEx aNd tHe city* *MTV* *HBO* *FaSHioN TV* *p!Mp mY r!De* *oNe baD tRiP* *gLoW* *mEEt mY foLks* *GiRLs beHaviNg bAdLy* *siMple LiFe* *feAr faCtor* *30 sEcoNds to fAmE* *young, poSh aNd loAded*..., *the 5th wheel* *diSmiSSed* *WWE* *NBA*.., anYtHiNg tHat hAs seNse aNd inTeResTiNg..,
yUcK!!! i HaTe bOOks... i pReFer rEaDing *maGz*.. *coSmo*, *caNdy*, *FHM* oTheRs cHuVa....