The Agents profile picture

The Agents

Life is only meant to end

About Me

Agent Smith
The leader of the trio of agents that include Brown and Jones.
Personality Info: Likes to assert position as leader. Tries to fix things a lot. Usually the one to break up fights and agrees against agents. Helps local police. Very skilled with a gun and hand-to-hand combat. Well known for being unable to take bribes. Absolutely hates alcohol and drinking. Engaged to Majora Wheeler and is expecting their first children with her.
Likes: Being In Charge
Dislikes: Drugs/Alcohol, self-mutilation
Random Questions
Can you speak any other language besides English? Yes
Do you wish you were a fish? x_X eh?
Are you too nice for your own good? Yeah, unfortunately -.-;
Do you think that thinking highly of yourself is good or bad? Its ok but you do it too much and you have a problem
If You Could Wish for Anything...What Would You Wish? A break would be nice
Agent Jones
Jones is a part of the agent trio that included Smith and Brown.
Personality Info: Jones is known to be out of control and dangerous at times. Extensive police record. Has a complicated past/personal life. Known murderer. Usually cursed with constant problems and bad luck. Known to have anger management issues. Track marks on forearms suggest heavy drug usage in past. Liver has deteriorated from heavy drug/alcohol abuse. Very vulnerable mentally, but is usually outgoing and trying to make up for his past. Very skilled at psychology and sharp-shooting. Married to Maria [Wheeler] and has a daughter, Lily.
Likes: Exacting Revenge/Psychology
Dislikes: Bullies/unnecessary comments
Random Questions
If you could choose ANY profession, what would it be? Well, I can cook pretty good. Also, psychologist wouldn't be bad.
Do you smash guitars or any other type of instrument? o_O I probably have but no I dont do it regularly
What would you do if you were a spider? Crawl in Veronica's hair
When was the best day of your life? When I married Maria ^_^
Have you ever been walked In On While You Were Dressing? Plenty of times
Agent Brown
Brown is a part of the agent trio that included Smith and Jones.
Personality Info: An absolute asshole. Likes to make others miserable to make himself look better. Rumored to be a pedophile. Former alcoholic.
Likes: Teasing
Dislikes: People who get away with everything
Random Questions
You're having a bad day, who do you want to talk to? No oneDo you watch bugs crawl on the floor? I smash them
Do you shy away from social situations? Fuck you <[br />When you hear the word "yellow" what do you think of? The Wheeler/Jones/Johnson/Jackson families...bunch of yellow cowards
Are you an alcoholic? NO!
Agent Johnson
Johnson is one of the upgraded agents along with Jackson and Thompson designed to replace Brown, Smith, and Jones after their failures. Johnson appears to be the leader of the new batch.
Personality Info: Sneaky. Can either be really helpful or really evil. 2nd In command but not really obeyed. Supposedly trying to take over as leader of the agents. Police have linked the recent murders of local business owners to this agent. Sporadic scars on body are result from being in fights and being attacked. Signs of epilepsy visible. Usually has a synthetic limb due to constantly losing his own. Responsible for at least 3,200 known murders. At least 40 operatives have been killed while spying on him on rogue missions. Currently married to Veronica [Wheeler] and have 2 children with her. [Chris Brian Johnson and Alice Claire Johnson]
Likes: Using brute force, killing, knives, taking charge, interrogating, lie detecting
Dislikes: CHEATERS, Spies/Being spied on, Emo people, Anyone picking on his family, Veronica not taking care of herself.
Random Questions
What is a compliment you receive way too often? "You're a monster!"
If you could create the world, would you make it a triangle or a square? I'd make it a triangle, a giant Bermuda Triangle...hehehe
What are your 3 most prized possesions? Veronica, my kids, and Bloo
What do you think would be the most embarassing death? I've seen them all, being raped to death I'd say
Would You Choose To Live Forever If You Could? Only if my family could too
Agent Jackson
Jackson is one of the upgraded agents along with Johnson and Thompson designed to replace Brown, Smith, and Jones after their failures.
Personality Info: Formerly a man whore and an alcoholic, now trying to redeem himself. Possible brain damage result from drinking and being killed often. Enlisted in the military, and police department as an explosives expert. Currently married to Freya [Wheeler] and have a daughter together. [Lisa Jackson]
Likes: Having fun, blowing things up
Dislikes: Quitters
Random Questions
If you were to write a story, what would it be about? Maybe about not throwing away your life
Are you obsessed with shiny things? if Freya's boobs are shiny...then yes
Do you tell people you love them just to get what you want? I used to all the time
Would you rather sell your life or gamble it away? Ive done both ._.;
Do You Like Super Spicy Foods? No, I literally burned the skin off my tongue once
Agent Thompson
Agent Thompson is one of the upgraded agents along with Jackson and Johnson designed to replace Brown, Smith, and Jones after their failures.
Personality Info: Happy go-lucky for the most part. Easy-going. Possibly insane. Not much known about past personal life. Currently married with Washu [Hebiki] and have twin boys with her.[Shigure Thompson and Kagame Thompson]
Likes: Fixing things/puzzles/toys
Dislikes: Monsters
Random Questions
What's the one things that drives you absolutely crazy? When I cant get the damn pickle jar open _
Does anyone stalk you or do you stalk anyone? hmmmmm *looks out window* yep
Would you stand up for someone you barely know? o.o I'd stand up...then sit down for them
Do you believe that black holes are time portals? =O THEY ARE????
Have you ever been Kicked Out Of A GoCart Place Cuz You Wrecked The Go Cart? =D yeah, it was fun!

My Interests

I'm a program in the matrix, so I don't have many interests. But I'd have to say I quite enjoy beating the living daylights out of Neo Anderson, Jabbing my hand into matrix people and turning them into Smith's, and keeping an orderly matrix

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

I'd like to meet:

The Architect, The Oracle, The Frenchman


I like Rock. I also really like the music it plays at the end of Matrix Revolutions when I'm fighting Neo when its raining and green.


I like the Matrix, Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions, and Animatrix series.----------------------------------------------------- -------HOW IT ALL BEGAN------------------------------------------ ***PART 1***-------------------------------------------------------- ---***PART 2***


I'm a program in the Matrix, I don't watch television. Maybe the News every now and then.


The Matrix programming.


The Architect, The Oracle, me.