erikarose profile picture



About Me

singing songs
dancin dances
barefeet in the garden
i love my friends and my dog. i am accident prone whether i've been drinking or not.

My Interests

sunshine on my face & music in my ears.

I'd like to meet:

spirit animals, golden souls, yogis, dog friends.


my blue guitar.
fleet foxes, CocoRosie, wyclef's new cd, old fleetwood mac.
i like to shake my booty to M.I.A.
sounds like dirge, sludge, warbles, twangs, five part harmonies, polyrhythms, typewriter rhythmn section, fiddles, tablas. icaros, peyote songs, field hollers, funeral marches.


Michel Gondry music videos
I've slept thru more movies than most people have seen.


winter bikers, Wallace the Pitbull