Meaning of the Name KAITLYN:
Originally from the Greek name Hekaterine meant to represent the Goddess "Hecate". Was later derived by the Celts into the name Katherine meaning "Pure", a name which was then taken and shortened into the name Kaitlyn.
I've met some of the greatest people through drama and I'll always cherish the fun times i've had with them... Hey B-Ham Crew, This party's for you.
Timothy Christopher Feuer
June 26, 1988 - August 8, 2007
You'll forever be in my heart and memories... I pray that your finally at peace hun.
"Kaitlynnnn, I woke up with a tummy ache and wanted to talk to you!!! You made me laugh sooo hardcore today like no joke. your my HERO for making that card for me! I love ya kid and I always will! Oh, and if anyone gives you a hard time just tell them your big bad NY friend will rough 'em up...lawlz! Ciao babe!"
Timmy when you sent me this message I was so happy, you're such a great person. You comforted me and protected me with simple words, but they meant the world to me. It hurts knowing your gone but i'll cherish the time we had together and know I was one of the lucky few to have truely known you babe... The last thing I said to you was that I loved you and would talk to you later, and I take solice in the fact that not only will I continue to love you but that when my time comes you'll be there waiting for me with open arms and we really will talk again... You'll always be my Timmers and that will never change. Love You.
Life is too beautiful to give up...
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Shot at 2007-06-23
If you love any of these movies then we should be friends... =]
My Heroes...
Timothy Feuer for caring about me and giving me the greatest advice up until the very end, Darren and Steven for dealing with my late night phone calls and helping me through some real shitty times. Shanae and Taylor for being my rocks here in WA and always being around for trips to Baskin Robins. Helen for helping me through the most AKWARD years of my life and sticking through every desperate long distance call. My brother for being my biggest role-model and someone who i know will always be in my life. Lastly my parents for loving me more than could seem possibly and always showing it no matter what I'd done.... I love you all and I feel blessed to have known you...
♥ Kaitlyn