Ready Steady Go! started as a joke (and probably still is!) with Pablo(bass),Gunther(vocals), and Frankie(drums) approaching Javi(guitar) to start aband. Practices were set and the story begins with the premature band, TheDead Ends. On the look for a rhythm guitarist, Javi finds Robbie at a Targetparking lot and asks him to come jam. Songs were rushed, personalitiesclashed, and some more shit happened that inevitably led to the band's split.Early 2006, Javi felt the need to play in a band again and recruited Pablo andRobbie. With a couple of songs and no clear drummer, the boys were sittingin limbo. Robbie then suggested a friend in Tahoe who's an excellentdrummer. The members were skeptical of a distant, and 15 year olddrummer, but William Days did shine behind the kit. The chemistry of theband was now in full force and miles on the road would not prevent this. Thiswill be the solid and hopefully only lineup this band goes through. Though akeyboard player would be a nice addition! The band name has gone throughlots of changes, but the 60's mod pop show RSG! has been sticking on fornow...
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