Love shopping,mountain bike riding,skating,bowlings,darts,soccer,swimming,cooking, traveling,clay sculpting,interior design,crew,gardening,touring museums,amusement parks,musical plays,hockey, roller derby,boxing, and great conversation
Any straight forward, self confident, goal oriented person who appreciates hard work and dedication but can balance the 2 worlds of happiness and success.
The Cure,Prince,Blue Sixx,Clap your hands say yeah,Broken SocialScene,Aquanote,Gaelle,Lina,Aya,Telepopmusik,Sade,Nude Tempo Collection,Miguel Migs,David Byrnes,Chicane,and Transport,Looper,Pet Shop Boys,Al Green,James Brown,Iron Butterfly,Peter Tosh,Janis Joplin,Santana,
Let's do it again, A piece of the action,Lock Stock and 2 smoking barrels,4 dogs playing poker,Suicide Kings,Snatch Cotton Goes to harlem. Casino,Carlito's Way,Heat,Vanilla Sky,Jackie Brown,Mr and Mrs. Smith. Rocky Horror Picture Show, Whatever happened to Baby Jane,12 angry men.One Flew over the cookoos nest,Dreamscape, and 48hrs.
Good times, Sandford and son,Gun smoke, Have gun will travel,the Smurfs,food network,HTV.
And then there were none,The once and Future King,Apt Pupil,Mysery,It,Needful things,One flew over the Cookoo's Nest,To kill a mocking bird,Thinner,Myths and legends
Any person that dreamed, planned,gave their all, shared their spoils, and realized that without others nothing worth attaining would be possible.